released this
28 Feb 10:09
Bug Fixes
ci: add uploadJvm and uploadJs to publishCmd (33f9b7a )
swingui: likely fix a concurrency issue with the time monitor (ad61147 )
General maintenance
build: update the cache (d7af273 )
Dependency updates
deps: update dependency org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-serialization-json to v1.5.0 (#2036 ) (282841f )
deps: update dependency org.yaml:snakeyaml to v2 (0551de9 )
deps: update external-resources/learning-scafi-alchemist digest to 6139a0d (cfe6a8c )
deps: update external-resources/learning-scafi-alchemist digest to a64f065 (b9236e9 )
deps: update plugin java-qa to v0.44.0 (d67a48b )
deps: update plugin kotlin-qa to v0.34.2 (4c61255 )
deps: update plugin kotlin-qa to v0.35.0 (365e8d9 )
deps: update plugin shadowjar to v8 (9ba6c96 )
deps: update plugin shadowjar to v8.1.0 (f9b8110 )
deps: update react to v18.2.0-pre.503 (5fd137b )
deps: update react to v18.2.0-pre.504 (3bf07fc )
deps: update site/themes/hugo-theme-relearn digest to 1ff128e (c379915 )
deps: update site/themes/hugo-theme-relearn digest to 43955d0 (0e4bad5 )
deps: update site/themes/hugo-theme-relearn digest to 5129da5 (2020aec )
deps: update site/themes/hugo-theme-relearn digest to 77e7908 (14ea667 )
deps: update site/themes/hugo-theme-relearn digest to dea3da7 (9e4e2b7 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.