released this
24 Feb 10:53
Bug Fixes
alchemist-engine: add delay to ensure that the engine is passed again into a running state (18bbe6f )
alchemist-engine: remove the monitor when the condition is met (2d525aa )
Dependency updates
deps: update dependency com.github.ben-manes.caffeine:caffeine to v3.1.4 (0c9fd4e )
deps: update dependency gradle to v8 (52e961d )
deps: update external-resources/learning-scafi-alchemist digest to 667574f (d6776dd )
deps: update plugin gitsemver to v1.1.1 (378c330 )
deps: update react to v18.2.0-pre.502 (cd8cd06 )
Build and continuous integration
biochemistry: disable task generateTestGrammarSource (069b6fb )
biochemistry: make detekt tasks depend on generateGrammarSource (aa71a09 )
biochemistry: make tasks requiring generateGrammarSource explicitly depend on it (3c83752 )
web-renderer: make shadowJar depend on jsBrowserDistribution and simplify the dependency declarations (5507c02 )
web-renderer: prefer the configuration avoidance API (33a3ce3 )
web-renderer: run shadowJar after distTar and distZip (if they are scheduled) (d95827d )
engine: create a test scenario for goToTime bug (a54a920 )
Style improvements
alchemist-engine: break the comment in Engine (f24ff43 )
alchemist-engine: break the comment in TestSimulationControl (7490da6 )
General maintenance
buildSrc: remove calls to deprecated methods (6525422 )
build: update the cache (507d6b4 )
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