This repository contains the files analysis.ipynb, iris.csv, analysis.html, and summary.txt.
The read the report for this project, please open analysis.html.
This is the primary file of the project. It contains the report written in Jupyter Notebook along with the Python code written for the report and can be read directly from Github. Link:
Note: the table of contents (TOC) does not function from Github. Please open analysis.html to read the project report with a functioning TOC. Alternatively, one can use Jupyter Notebook to open analysis.ipynb.
Also, if Jupyter Notebook is used to run the code in this file, use Run All (or Run All Below from the very top of the file), otherwise the instances of the class output might not function correctly.
This is a HTML version of analysis.ipynb. It contains all the data (but not the functionality) from analysis.ipynb. Link:
This contains data output from analysis.ipynb using the class output, which uses the open, write and to_csv functions (the latter from the pandas module). In particular, it contains:
- Means for setosa, virginica and versicolor respectively
- Medians for setosa, virginica and versicolor respectively
- Percentage differences between medians and means for setosa, virginica and versicolor respectively.
- Differences between means for versicolor/setosa, virginica/setosa and virginica/versicolor respectively.
- Correlation matrices for setosa, virginica and versicolor respectively.
This contains the data for the Iris flower dataset. The reference for this data is present in the report (analysis.ipynb or analysis.html)