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Library Backend

🧰:Languages and Tools:

NodeJS ExpressJS PostgreSQL Badge Docker Badge

How to run:

  • Clone this repository or fork it.
    • To clone this repository type git clone on your command line
    • To fork this repository, click fork button of this repository then type git clone<your username>/Library-Backend.git
  • Inside your Library-Backend folder, create a new file named .env which stores informations about server side such as JWT_SECRET
    • or
  • Rename .envexample to .env after setting.
  • Store your database information
  • example:
    #for docker
    #for your local system
    PORT = 6868
    DB_USER = postgres
    DB_PASSWORD = amit1234
    DB_HOST = localhost
    DB_PORT = 5432
    DB_DATABASE = postgres
    # I highly recommend to keep both settings

How to Run?

#Method 1

  • Install all dependencies

    • Server side: on the Library-Backend directory type npm install
  • Run it on node js:

    • Server side: on the Library-Backend directory type npm start

#Method 2

  • Run using docker docker-compose up
  • It'll run on PORT 6868 on your Local-System

Directory Structure

├───📁 api/
│   ├───📁 config/
│   │   ├───📄 connectDB.js
│   │   ├───📄 getClient.js
│   │   └───📄 Init.js
│   ├───📁 controllers/
│   │   ├───📁 Auth/
│   │   │   └───📄 authController.js
│   │   ├───📁 Buyer/
│   │   │   └───📄 buyerController.js
│   │   ├───📁 error/
│   │   │   └───📄 ApiError.js
│   │   ├───📁 response/
│   │   │   └───📄 ApiResponse.js
│   │   └───📁 Seller/
│   │       └───📄 sellerController.js
│   ├───📁 middlewares/
│   │   ├───📄 ApiErrorMiddleware.js
│   │   ├───📄 Async.js
│   │   └───📄 HandleNotFoundMiddleware.js
│   ├───📁 routes/
│   │   ├───📄 authRoute.js
│   │   ├───📄 buyerRoute.js
│   │   └───📄 sellerRoute.js
│   ├───📁 utils/
│   │   └───📄 jwt.js
│   └───📄 server.js
├───📄 .gitignore
├───📄 docker-compose.yml
├───📄 Dockerfile
├───📄 example.csv
├───📄 package-lock.json
├───📄 package.json

API Documentation - Authentication

This table provides an overview of the available API endpoints for Auth.

Name Method Endpoint Purpose
I. Register POST /api/auth/register To Register a New User.
II. Login POST /api/auth/login Login for existing User.


This table provides an overview of the available API endpoints for Seller.

Name Method Endpoint Purpose
I. Create POST /api/seller/create To Create a new book
II. Create POST /api/seller/create-multiple Create books using CSV (Refer example.csv)
III. GetBooks GET /api/seller/get Fetch All Books Created by Current Seller
IV. GetBook GET /api/seller/get/:id Fetch Book details with Book Id = id ,if exist
V. UpdateBook PUT /api/seller/update/:id Update Book Details with Book Id = id
VI. DeleteBook DELETE /api/seller/delete/:id Delete Book with Book Id = id


  • Author_id denotes SellerID.
  • Sellers can View, Update, Delete only those books which they've created.


This table provides an overview of the available API endpoints for Seller.

Name Method Endpoint Purpose
I. GetBook GET /api/buyer/get Fetch Book details with Book Id = id ,if exist
II. GetBooks GET /api/buyer/get/:id Fetch All Books


  • Buyer can view Books only after logging in.