Product Title: noms
Platform Definition: Android/mobile
Description: noms is a personalized app that helps users discover and connect with meaningful restaurant experiences based on their unique preferences and nearby location. Some key features include following friends, writing restaurant reviews, and creating restaurant playlists.
- Ahmed Ahmed ([email protected])
- Vivek Bhardwaj ([email protected])
- Aiden Ramgoolam ([email protected])
- Karthik Nambiar ([email protected])
- Team Contract
- Project Proposal
- Design Proposal
- Meeting Minutes
- User Documentation
- Project Reflections
- Design Diagrams
The noms APK can be installed here: APK Installer
We've created unit tests for all the core MVVM parts of our app, and this can be tested by going to android studio and clicking Run All Tests
, which will result in the following success output: