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python generator
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GenaRazmakhnin committed Sep 30, 2023
1 parent 72a1df0 commit 732521c
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Showing 6 changed files with 290 additions and 3 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ clear-data.ts

# Added by cargo

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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions deps.edn
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
:deps {org.clojure/clojure {:mvn/version "1.11.1"}
borkdude/edamame {:mvn/version "1.3.23"}
com.taoensso/nippy {:mvn/version "3.2.0"}
cheshire/cheshire {:mvn/version "5.11.0"}
zen-lang/zen {:git/url ""
:sha "b42170c22a1902976cc60efc92487af351c253aa"
:exclusions [org.slf4j/slf4j-log4j12]}}
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6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion resources/index.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ class Workflow {

export interface TokenStorage {
get: () => Promise<string | null> | string | null;
set: (token: string) => Promise<void> | void;
set: (token: string | undefined) => Promise<void> | void;

const resourceOwnerAuthorization = (httpclient: HttpClientInstance, auth: ResourceOwnerAuthorization) => async ({ username, password }: { username: string, password: string }) => {
Expand All @@ -429,6 +429,10 @@ const resourceOwnerAuthorization = (httpclient: HttpClientInstance, auth: Resour
return response

const resourceOwnerLogout = (httpclient: HttpClientInstance, auth: ResourceOwnerAuthorization) => async () => {

type BasicAuthorization = { method: 'basic', credentials: { username: string, password: string } }
type ResourceOwnerAuthorization = { method: 'resource-owner', client: { id: string, secret: string }, storage: TokenStorage }

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1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion src/generator/core.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -218,7 +218,6 @@

(defn gen-searches [ztx path]
(println "[types] Generate search params")
(let [definitions (->> (zen.core/get-tag ztx 'zen.fhir/searches)
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/generator/writer.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
(defmulti generate-types (fn [target _input _config] target))

(defmethod generate-types :typescript
[_target input {:keys [target-path] :as _config}]
[_target input {:keys [target-path] :as _config}]
(let [dir (io/file target-path)]
(when-not (.exists dir)
(.mkdir dir))
Expand Down
281 changes: 281 additions & 0 deletions src/python-generator/core.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
(ns python-generator.core
[ :as io]
[clojure.string :as str]
[edamame.core :as e]))

(def dir "/Users/gena.razmakhnin/Documents/aidbox-sdk-js/test_dir/element")
(def dirResource "/Users/gena.razmakhnin/Documents/aidbox-sdk-js/test_dir/resource")

(def primitives-string #{"dateTime" "xhtml" "Distance" "time" "date" "string" "uuid" "oid" "id" "Dosage" "Duration" "instant" "Count" "decimal" "code" "base64Binary" "unsignedInt" "url" "markdown" "uri" "positiveInt" "canonical" "Age" "Timing"})
(def elements #{"HumanName" "Signature" "Range" "Coding" "Attachment" "BackboneElement" "Address" "Money" "Period" "Expression" "TriggerDefinition" "Contributor" "Identifier" "Extension" "Quantity" "RelatedArtifact" "Ratio" "UsageContext" "ContactPoint" "Narrative" "Meta" "SampledData" "Annotation" "Reference" "CodeableConcept" "ContactDetail" "ParameterDefinition" "DataRequirement"})

(defn escape-keyword [word]
(if (.contains #{"class", "global", "for", "import"} word) (str word "_") word))

(defn load-structure-list [path]
(with-open [rdr (-> path
(->> rdr
(mapv (fn [json-row]
(cheshire.core/parse-string json-row keyword))))))

(defn string-interpolation [left, right, string]
(str left, string, right))

(defn create-on-missing [dir]
(when-not (.exists (io/file (str dir)))
(.mkfile (io/file (str dir)))))

(defn get-resource-name [reference]
(last (str/split (str reference) #"/")))

(defn open-for-write [text, directory, filename]
(create-on-missing directory)
(with-open [writer (io/writer (io/file directory (str (get-resource-name filename) ".py")))] (.write writer text)))

(defn get-parent [base-reference]
(->> (get-resource-name base-reference)
(string-interpolation "(" ")")))

(defn wrap-vector [string]
(string-interpolation "list[", "]", string))

(defn wrap-optional [string]
(string-interpolation "Optional[", "]", string))

(defn get-type [type]
(= type "boolean") "bool"
(= type "integer") "int"
(.contains primitives-string type) "str"
:else type))

(defn derive-basic-type [type]
(-> (get-resource-name type)

(defn append-default-none [string] (str string " = None"))
(defn append-default-vector [string] (str string " = []"))

(defn transform-element [element required]
(->> (derive-basic-type (:type element))
((if (:array element) wrap-vector str))
((if (and (not required) (not (:array element))) wrap-optional str))
((if (and (not required) (not (:array element))) append-default-none str))
((if (and (not required) (:array element)) append-default-vector str))))

(defn map-to-vector [definition]
(->> (seq (:elements definition))
(filter (fn [[_, v]] (not (contains? v :choices))))))

(defn trans [required, [k, v]]
(str "\t" (escape-keyword (name k)) ": " (transform-element v (.contains required (name k)))))

(defn impr [[_, v]]
(let [type (derive-basic-type (:type v))]
(if (.contains elements type) type nil)))

(defn transform-elements-to-types [elements, required]
(reduce (fn [acc, item]
(hash-map :elements (conj (:elements acc) (trans required item))
:imports (conj (:imports acc) (impr item)))) (hash-map :elements [] :imports []) elements))

(filter boolean [nil, nil, "3"])

(defn ttt [elements]
(clojure.string/join (map (fn [item] (str "from element import " item "\n")), elements)))

(defn create-class [elements, definition]
(println (str "class " (get-resource-name (:type definition))))
(-> (filter boolean (:imports elements))
(str "\n")
(str "from fhir_basic import Element\n\n")
(str "from typing import Optional, Any\n\n\n")
(str "class " (get-resource-name (:type definition)) "Origin" (get-parent (:base definition)) ":\n")
(str (clojure.string/join "\n" (:elements elements)) "\n\n")))

;; (fn [[k, v]] (str "\t" (escape-keyword (name k)) ": " (transform-element v (.contains (or (:required definition) []) (name k)))))
;; (map (fn [[k, v]] (str "\t" (escape-keyword (name k)) ": " (transform-element v (.contains (or (:required definition) []) (name k))))))
;; (str (clojure.string/join "\n" (prepare-data definition)) "\n\n")

(defn combine-class-by-definition [definition]
(-> (map-to-vector definition)
(transform-elements-to-types (or (:required definition) []))
(create-class definition)
(str "class " (get-resource-name (:type definition)) "(" (get-resource-name (:type definition)) "Origin)" ": pass\n")
(open-for-write dir (clojure.string/lower-case (:type definition)))))

(defn combine-class-by-definition2 [definition]
(-> (map-to-vector definition)
(transform-elements-to-types (or (:required definition) []))
(create-class definition)
(str "class " (get-resource-name (:type definition)) "(" (get-resource-name (:type definition)) "Origin)" ": pass\n")
(open-for-write dirResource (clojure.string/lower-case (:type definition)))))

#_(defn filter-domain-resources [path]
(->> path
(filter #(= "specialization" (:derivation %)))
(filter #(str/includes? (or (:base %) "") "Element"))
(filter #(contains? % :elements))
#_(filter #(.contains ["CodeableConcept", "Period"] (get-resource-name (:type %)))) ;; Patient
(map test-fun)
(clojure.string/join "\n\n")
(str "\textension: list[Any] = []\n\n")
(str "\tid: Optional[str] = None\n")
(str "class Element(BaseModel):\n")
(str "from pydantic import BaseModel\n")
(str "from typing import Optional, Any\n")
(open-for-write dir "S/types")))

#_(defn filter-resources [path]
(->> path
(filter #(= "specialization" (:derivation %)))
(filter #(str/includes? (or (:base %) "") "DomainResource"))
;; (filter #(str/includes? (or (:type %) "") "Appointment"))
(filter #(contains? % :elements))
(map test-fun)
(clojure.string/join "\n\n")
(str "from typing import Optional, Any\n")
(open-for-write dir "resources")))

#_(defn get-primitive-structure-definitions [structures]
(->> structures
(filter #(not (and (contains? % :from) (contains? % :to))))
(filter #(not (contains? % :derivation)))
(filter #(not (contains? % :base)))
(filter #(not (contains? % :elements)))))

(defn get-resource-structure-definition [structures]
(->> structures
(filter #(str/includes? (or (:base %) "") "/Resource"))
(filter #(= "specialization" (:derivation %)))))

(defn get-domain-structure-definition [structures]
(->> structures
(filter #(str/includes? (or (:base %) "") "/DomainResource"))
(filter #(= "specialization" (:derivation %)))))

;; here can be values without elements that inherits from element
(defn get-element-structure-definition [structures]
(->> structures
(filter #(str/includes? (or (:base %) "") "Element"))
(filter #(not (str/includes? (or (:base %) "") "BackboneElement")))
(filter #(not (str/includes? (or (:base %) "") "ElementDefinition")))
(filter #(contains? % :elements))))

#_(defn get-specialization [structures]
(->> structures
(filter #(= "specialization" (:derivation %)))))

#_(defn get-constraint [structures]
(->> structures
(filter #(= "constraint" (:derivation %)))))

#_(defn get-misc [structures]
(->> structures
(filter #(not (and (contains? % :from) (contains? % :to))))
(filter #(not (= "constraint" (:derivation %))))
(filter #(not (= "specialization" (:derivation %))))))

(defn construct-basic [structures]
(->> structures
(filter #(not (contains? % :derivation)))
(filter #(not (contains? % :base)))
(filter #(contains? % :elements))

#_(defn test [path]
(->> (load-structure-list path)
(map test-fun)
(clojure.string/join "\n\n")
(str "from typing import Optional, Any\n\n\n")
(open-for-write dir "fhir_basic")))

(defn construct-elements [structures]
(->> structures
(filter #(str/includes? (or (:base %) "") "Element"))
(filter #(not (str/includes? (or (:base %) "") "BackboneElement")))
(filter #(not (str/includes? (or (:base %) "") "ElementDefinition")))
(filter #(contains? % :elements))))

;; (defn effect-save-element-names [elements]
;; (->> (map (fn [item] (get-resource-name (:type item))) elements)
;; (update-elements))
;; elements)

(defn step1 [path]
(->> (load-structure-list path)
#_(map combine-class-by-definition)
#_(map test-fun)
#_(clojure.string/join "\n\n")
#_(str "from fhir_basic import Element\n\n\n")
#_(str "from typing import Optional, Any\n")
#_(open-for-write dir "fhir_element")))

#_(defn test2 [path]
(->> path
(map test-fun)
(clojure.string/join "\n\n")
(str "from fhir_basic import Resource\n\n\n")
(str "from typing import Optional, Any\n")
(open-for-write dir "fhir_resource")))

(defn doallmap [elements]
(doall (map combine-class-by-definition2 elements)))

(defn test3 [path]
(->> (load-structure-list path)
#_(clojure.string/join "\n\n")
#_(str "from fhir_resource import DomainResource\n\n\n")
#_(str "from typing import Optional, Any\n")
#_(open-for-write dir "domain_resource")))

;; (total) ;; 1968
;; (get-trash) ;; 1310 - ignore
;; (get-specialization) ;; 208
;; (get-constraint) ;; 441 - ignore
;; (get-base-structure-definitions) ;; 2 Resource Element
;; (misc) ;; 9

;; basic

;; (defn elements-index []
;; (-> (map (fn [element] (str "from element." (clojure.string/lower-case element) " import " element "\n")) elements)
;; (clojure.string/join)
;; (open-for-write "/Users/gena.razmakhnin/Documents/aidbox-sdk-js/test_dir" "element")))

;; (elements-index)
;; (test "/Users/gena.razmakhnin/Documents/aidbox-sdk-js/fhir-schema/hl7.fhir.r4.core#4.0.1/package.ndjson.gz")
;; (step1 "/Users/gena.razmakhnin/Documents/aidbox-sdk-js/fhir-schema/hl7.fhir.r4.core#4.0.1/package.ndjson.gz")
(test3 "/Users/gena.razmakhnin/Documents/aidbox-sdk-js/fhir-schema/hl7.fhir.r4.core#4.0.1/package.ndjson.gz")

;; (test2 "/Users/gena.razmakhnin/Documents/aidbox-sdk-js/fhir-schema/hl7.fhir.r4.core#4.0.1/package.ndjson.gz")
;; (test3 "/Users/gena.razmakhnin/Documents/aidbox-sdk-js/fhir-schema/hl7.fhir.r4.core#4.0.1/package.ndjson.gz")

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