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Ekaansh Arora edited this page May 4, 2021 · 1 revision

Create a React Native Video Chat App in 10 lines of Code using Agora UI Kit

When setting up your own streaming or conferencing application with Agora, a few technical steps might slow you down. Now with Agora UIKit for React Native you can create an application easily using just ten lines of code. You can customise the the user experience and features to your requirements.


  • An Agora developer account (see How to Get Started with Agora)
  • Node.js LTS Release
  • iOS/Android device for testing
  • A high level understanding of react native development


You can get the code for the example on GitHub, or you can create your own React-Native project. Open a terminal and execute:

npx react-native init demo --template react-native-template-typescript
cd demo

Install the Agora React Native SDK and UI Kit:

At the time of writing this post the latest agora-rn-uikit release is v3.1.0 and react-native-agora is v3.3.3.

If you’re using an iOS device you’ll need to run cd ios && pod install and configure app signing by opening ios/.xcworkspace in Xcode. The iOS simulator doesn't support camera, please use a physical devie for testing.

That’s the setup, you can now run npm run android or build and run the project from Xcode to start the server and see the barebones react-native app.

Adding Video Streaming

This UIKit is simple to use and contains a high level component called AgoraUIKit. It handles the logic and UI for our real-time video experience. We can pass in props to the component to customise the behaviour and functionality. Let’s clear the App.tsx file and start writing the code to build a video chatting app.

import React, {useState} from 'react';
import AgoraUIKit from 'agora-rn-uikit';

const App = () => {
const [videoCall, setVideoCall] = useState(true);
const rtcProps = {appId: '<-----App ID here----->', channel: 'test'};
const callbacks = {EndCall: () => setVideoCall(false)};
return videoCall ? <AgoraUIKit rtcProps={rtcProps} callbacks={callbacks} /> : null;

export default App;

We’re importing the AgoraUIKit component from the agora-rn-uikit package. Inside the App component we have a state variable videoCall, we’ll render the UI Kit component when it’s set to true and unmount it when it’s false. We define the Agora App ID and channel name in the rtcProps object. The callbacks object contains RTC events as keys and callback functions as their value — we use the EndCall event to update the state and unmount the AgoraUIKit component. In the return statement we render the AgoraUIKit component with the rtcProps and callbacks object.

The UI Kit component also takes in a third prop called styleProps that can be used to customise the look of the application by writing react-native styling.

Default Functionality

By default, Agora UIKit includes the following functionality before any customising:

  • Automatically layout all video streams
  • Displaying the active speaker in the larger display in the floating layout
  • Allowing you to swap any stream to the larger display in the floating layout
  • Buttons for disabling camera or microphone and switch cameras for the local user.
  • Buttons for muting the remote users’ audio and video locally in floating layout.
  • Lots of visual customisation by only writing react native styling.
  • Live streaming mode with your role as a broadcast or as audience.
  • Two different layouts — floating and grid with an option build your own layout!

Customising functionality with RtcProps

The RtcProps object lets you customize the how the UI Kit works. You can select features and layouts. And there’s a growing list of things to customise using RtcProps. The object type definition can be found here.

Conferencing or Live-Streaming

You can use the UI Kit in two modes: in communication mode you can have a maximum of 17 users on a call and everyone is able to communicate with each other.

In live-streaming mode you can select user roles: the broadcaster’s video and audio is shared with everyone (max 17 broadcasters). The audience role (upto 1 million) let’s users receive video/audio but doesn’t let them send their video/audio to other users.

Communication mode is the default. To use live-streaming mode you can set the mode: mode.LiveBroadcasting in rtcProps. You can then select role: role.Audience or role:role.Broadcaster (mode and role are enums exported by the library).

Floating or Grid Layout

You can select between two layouts out of the box, you have a pinned layout with one user occupying the central screen with other users on a scrolling list at the top (you can customise the position). Or a grid layout where each user takes in a cell of a growing grid. The pinned layout supports active speaker detection/manual swapping of users.

Active Speaker Detection

You can enable this prop to switch the main view to the active speaker in the application, you can also use the callback event ActiveSpeaker to pass in a custom function to display a toast for example.

Video Quality Fallback

You can enable dual-stream mode to fallback to low quality video if the user’s internet bandwidth is low. You can select the fallback to either be to a low quality stream or in extreme conditions to audio only.

Token Management

If you’re using the UI Kit in production we strongly recommend using tokens to secure your app. To make it easy for you to manage tokens, there’s two ways. You can supply a token manually to the UI Kit with the token property.

Or you can use the tokenUrl property. This property is an optional string that can be used to automatically fetch a new access token for the channel if the provided token has expired or is due to expire soon. The functionality for requesting a new token expects the token to follow the URL scheme in the Golang token server found on GitHub: AgoraIO-Community/agora-token-service.

Customising UI with StyleProps

The StyleProps object let’s you style different components that make up the AgoraUIKit component. For example if you want square buttons instead of round or if you want the controls to be at the top of the screen, you can pass in some react-native styling to do that.

The UI Kit View

You can set the styling for the UI Kit View by passing in react native styles to the UIKitContainer property. For example if we want the Video Call to take up half of the screen.

<View style={{height:'50%'}}></View>

<AgoraUIKit rtcProps={rtcProps} callbacks={callbacks}
styleProps={{ UIKitContainer: {height: '50%', width: '100%'}}}

Similarly you can customise the controls and it’s container, the main view, the floating view, overlay and container, the grid container and cells. You can change the borders, positioning, colors and so on. You can find a full list here.

Video Settings

videoMode prop lets you choose the AgoraVideoRenderMode for all the videos rendered on your local device, with a choice between fill, fit, and hidden. See Agora’s full documentation on AgoraVideoRenderMode here.

Icon color, size and image

You can change the size and color of the icons using iconSize and theme properties. You can also use your own transparent PNG to replace the default icon using the customIcon prop and supplying the base64 encoded image. Example: Changing the end call icon - customIcon: {callEnd: '<Base64String>'}


// image

import React, {useState} from 'react';
import AgoraUIKit, {
} from 'agora-rn-uikit';
import {SafeAreaView, Text, TouchableOpacity} from 'react-native';

const App = () => {
  const [videoCall, setVideoCall] = useState(true);
  const props: PropsInterface = {
    rtcProps: {
      appId: '<-----App ID here----->',
      channel: 'test',
    styleProps: {
      iconSize: 30,
      theme: '#ffffffee',
      videoMode: {
        max: VideoRenderMode.Hidden,
        min: VideoRenderMode.Hidden,
      overlayContainer: {
        backgroundColor: '#2edb8533',
        opacity: 1,
      localBtnStyles: {
        muteLocalVideo: btnStyle,
        muteLocalAudio: btnStyle,
        switchCamera: btnStyle,
        endCall: {
          borderRadius: 0,
          width: 50,
          height: 50,
          backgroundColor: '#f66',
          borderWidth: 0,
      localBtnContainer: {
        backgroundColor: '#fff',
        bottom: 0,
        paddingVertical: 10,
        borderWidth: 4,
        borderColor: '#2edb85',
        height: 80,
      maxViewRemoteBtnContainer: {
        top: 0,
        alignSelf: 'flex-end',
      remoteBtnStyles: {
        muteRemoteAudio: remoteBtnStyle,
        muteRemoteVideo: remoteBtnStyle,
        remoteSwap: remoteBtnStyle,
        minCloseBtnStyles: remoteBtnStyle,
      minViewContainer: {
        bottom: 80,
        top: undefined,
        backgroundColor: '#fff',
        borderColor: '#2edb85',
        borderWidth: 4,
        height: '26%',
      minViewStyles: {
        height: '100%',
      maxViewStyles: {
        height: '64%',
      UIKitContainer: {height: '94%'},
    callbacks: {
      EndCall: () => setVideoCall(false),

  return (
      <Text style={textStyle}>Agora UI Kit Demo</Text>
      {videoCall ? (
      ) : (
          onPress={() => setVideoCall(true)}>
          <Text style={{...textStyle, width: '50%'}}>Start Call</Text>

const textStyle = {
  color: '#fff',
  backgroundColor: '#2edb85',
  fontWeight: '700',
  fontSize: 24,
  width: '100%',
  borderColor: '#2edb85',
  borderWidth: 4,
  textAlign: 'center',
  textAlignVertical: 'center',

const btnStyle = {
  borderRadius: 2,
  width: 40,
  height: 40,
  backgroundColor: '#2edb85',
  borderWidth: 0,

const startButton = {
  justifyContent: 'center',
  alignItems: 'center',
  alignContent: 'center',
  height: '90%',

const remoteBtnStyle = {backgroundColor: '#2edb8555'};

export default App;

If you need finer control or want to build a custom layout for your application that the AgoraUIKit component doesn’t support yet you can extract and use individual components that make up the UI Kit and re-compose them together to build your own custom solution without worrying about managing the SDK.

Advanced Customisation: Recomposing the UI Kit

The UI Kit isn’t limited to using the AgoraUIKit component, it’s a high level component made up of several other components that makes it easy to get started. You can import and use the individual pieces to compose your app.


The RtcConfigure comoponent contains all the logic for the video call. It handles all the SDK events and maintains the users data. You can wrap the other UI Kit components inside the RtcConfigure component to get access to user objects. (Internally it wraps the MaxUidProvider and MinUidProvider around the child components)

LocalControls & RemoteControls

The UI Kit exports a LocalControls component that wraps LocalAudioMute, LocalVideoMute, SwitchCamera and EndCall button components. It also shows the remote mute for the max video view component with an optional showButton prop. You can also use the individual button components in your app.

The library has a RemoteControls component that shows the RemoteAudioMute, RemoteVideoMute and RemoteSwap (swaps the user with the maxUser) buttons . It takes in the user object and an optional showRemoteSwap prop which disables the RemoteSwap button.

Note: The remote controls only mute the remote user’s audio/video locally. The change isn’t reflected for anyone else on the call.

MaxVideoView & MinVideoView

To render the video of a user we have two components MaxVideoView and MinVideoView, both require a user object as a prop. The difference is that MinVideoView takes another optional prop showOverlay to display remote controls as an overlay when the view is pressed.


PropsContext uses the React Context API giving you access to the provider and consumer that lets other components access the props we pass to this component. The library uses this to pass rtcProps, styleProps and callbacks around.

MaxUidContext & MinUidContext

The MaxUidContext gives you access to an array containing an object for the user in the MaxView (main view in floating layout).

The MinUidContext give you access to an array of object for the users in the MinView (top floating view in floating layout).

A closer look at AgoraUIKit component

Let’s take a look at how the AgoraUIKit component is composed to understand with an example.

import React from 'react';
import {View} from 'react-native';
import RtcConfigure from './RTCConfigure';
import {PropsProvider, PropsInterface, layout} from './PropsContext';
import LocalControls from './Controls/LocalControls';
import GridVideo from './GridVideo';
import PinnedVideo from './PinnedVideo';

const AgoraUIKit: React.FC<PropsInterface> = (props) => {

return (
  <PropsProvider value={props}>
  <View style={props.styleProps?.UIKitContainer}>
  {props.rtcProps?.layout === layout.grid ? (
    <GridVideo />
    ) : (
    <PinnedVideo />
  <LocalControls showButton={props.rtcProps.layout !== layout.grid} />

export default AgoraUIKit;

We import all the required components from the library. The AgoraUIKit component takes in props of type PropsInterface (rtcProps, styleProps and callbacks) and passes them into the PropsProvider which wraps the component tree.

We have a view applies the UIKitContainer styling. We wrap all the UI components (video views, controls etc.) with the RtcConfigure component so that we can access contexts. We have our layouts (GridVideo and PinnedVideo) and our controls.

Let’s take a look at how to use user contexts and render the videos:

  {(minUsers) => =>
      <MinVideoView user={user} key={user.uid} />

We’re using the MinUidConsumer to get access to our user object and rendering a MinVideoView for each user. We pass in the user prop and use the uid as a key. You can view the pinnedVideo component to get a full example.


If there are features you think would be good to add to Agora UIKit for React-Native that many users would benefit from, feel free to fork the repository and add a pull request. Or open an issue on the repository with the feature request. All contributions are appreciated!

The plan is to grow this library and have similar offerings across all supported platforms. There are already similar libraries for iOS and Android, so be sure to check those out.