This repository contains a set of Dockerfiles which can be used to develop, build, and run Covalent. These images will not change very often, as they are used to set up build environments but do not include the actual dependencies of Covalent. The following environments are included:
- All combinations of Debian 11, 12, and Python 3.9, 3.10, 3.11
To build a single one of these images locally, e.g., Debian 12 with Python 3.10, run the following:
docker build ./debian12-py310
To build all images and upload them to ECR, use the Makefile:
make clean # Deletes the local images
To pull an image from ECR and use it:
aws ecr get-login-password --region us-east-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin
docker pull
Run the image and clone Covalent, and then install it:
docker run --rm -it -p 8080:48008 covalent-bld:debian12-py310 /bin/bash
git clone
python webapp
pip install -e .
covalent start
You can either submit workflows to port 48008 on
from directly inside the container, or you can submit them from the Docker host to port 8080
Don't forget to run git config
inside the container if you intend to commit any changes!