ColorConverter is a simple program that was designed to help with adjusting the color palette of some assets that are used in Orionis. The program takes a series of RGBA values that denotes a color palette and uses this palette to convert the color of the pixels in the images passed to the program. The specific color is chosen based on the relative brightness, so the color in the palette with the closest brightness to the color of the current pixel will be chosen.
ColorConverter is programmed using the Haxe Toolkit. The given Build.hxml
will compile to a Java target, but this can be
changed to suit your preference. However, depending on your target, some changes to ColorConverter.hx
might be necessary.
Upon compiling, a folder named java
will be created. You can run ColorConverter by typing java -jar java/ColorConverter ...
where ...
the arguments to ColorConverter. Use -h
to see a description of all options.
An image before being ran through ColorConverter
The same image after being ran through ColorConverter using a palette of greys
java -jar java/ColorConverter.jar "10 12 17 255, 48 56 58 255, 68 79 81 255, 102 109 112 255, 145 150 147 255, 173 175 170 255, 209 206 198 255, 221 219 209 255" Before.png
was the command used to produce the above image.