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This is a backend service for Aegis Esports League of Legends operations. Its primary objective is to provide stats to players/teams and help admins manage rosters. It is a REST API that stores information about player stats, team stats, and information on leagues hosted by Aegis Esports.

Getting Started

This guide and repo was created with the usage of WSL 2.0 + Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS. The following applications are required for development.

  • Node - Latest LTS version (recommend installing nvm and use nvm install --lts and nvm use --lts)
  • VSCode - The preferred code IDE (the repo includes a .vscode directory).
    • Recommended VSCode extensions:
      • Git Graph
      • ESLint
      • GitLens (for Git blame annotations)
      • IntelliCode
      • Jest
      • Prettier
  • Docker Desktop - A local container setup for the application.
  • pgAdmin 4 - GUI access to a PostgreSQL databases.
  • Postman - Platform to organize API requests.

While it is possible to run this project through only Windows by utilizing nvm-windows, Linux is the preferred environment for development. You can learn how to install WSL 2.0 through this video, a Linux environment without the need of a VM.


Once the repo is forked, run the following commands:

$ npm install

A directory node_modules will be created containing all the necessary dependencies.

.env Files

Reach out to doowan to receive the proper .env files. This is required in order to develop.
Once obtained, place the .env files in the project root directory.

To allow tests to run as your Linux user to access the log directory, make sure that contains the following two lines:


1000 is the uid of the default user on wsl, but if your uid is different then you will need to change that in

Launching the Server

Install Docker desktop. The Makefile executes the Docker commands to create a local container. Launch a local server through:

$ make up

This will create a local server, postgreSQL database, and a nginx proxy on your computer. To verify that the container is running, run:

$ docker ps

You can also verify this by browsing Docker desktop. The server is also accessible through http://localhost:3000 (port 3000).

If using WSL, follow the instructions to enable WSL on Docker.


  • The postman configurations for this project are located in TBD.

pgAdmin 4

Once installed, use the following parameters to make a connection to your local postgreSQL server:

  • Host name/address: localhost
  • Port: 5432
  • Username: postgres
  • Password: password

The main database to access is dev. The application can be freely used to experiment queries and view data in a tabular form.

Restarting / Shutting Down

If you install a new npm package, you need to reboot the container to see it take effect. Run the following commands to fully shutdown and remove the container.

$ make down
$ make remove
$ make clean



The active JIRA board is under

Branch Naming

All developmental branches should be merged into the develop branch, which is currently set to default. Naming of branche s


  • Jest is currently the testing framework to conduct service tests. After implementing a new feature, you should also make test suites/cases to verify the feature's correctness.
    • To test your code, run npm run test
    • To test a specific file, run npm run test -- src/test/<file>.test.ts
  • The database must be locally instantiated to run tests. Make sure make db or make up command has been used to create the db docker image. If you see a error: failed to push some refs to message, that means your Docker container isn't running.

Pushing Code

husky Git hooks:

  • When committing code, a pre-commit hook will run ESLint and Prettier to enforce coding practices. VSCode settings should automatically format the code upon saving. Sometimes that may not be the case and the changes can happen after committing.

Though highly unadvised, the hooks can be temporarily disabled by:

$ HUSKY=0 git commit ... # To skip pre-commit hook

API Documentation

The project utilizes Swagger to document HTTP API requests. The project's API documentation can be locally accessed through http://localhost:3000/docs when the local server is running.

Whenever a code change involves modifying/adding any API requests, the following needs to be done:

  • Update the .yaml files in /swagger.

Updating Database Schema

The database schema design is documented in dbdiagram.

Whenever a code change involves changing the database schema, the following needs to be done:

  • Update init.sql in /database.
  • Update the dbdiagram.
  • Manually update the db-prod/db-test database.

Project Structure


The project was created through the typescript-express-starter boilerplate, using the mikro-orm setup.

All development files are stored under the directory /src.

app.ts/server.ts ----> /routes ----> /controllers
                     PostgreSQL <---- /services    

All files below are prefixed with /src.

Request Routing

  • /routes
    • The list of API routes are first defined here.
  • /controllers
    • Acts as the intermediate between routing and the service by returning the proper status codes.
  • /services
    • The abstract that calls queries to the database. Each table should have their own file.

Server/App Setup

  • /config
    • Responsible for loading environmental variables.
  • /database
    • Sets the database configurations and initializes it.


  • /dtos
    • Object definition for the inputs and outputs.
    • Used to check validity of the body object for its respective PUT/POST requests (e.g. null checks).
    • Dto definitions should be reflected accurately in /swagger.
  • /entities
    • Objects that exactly represent the database schema entity for mikro-orm.
  • /interfaces
    • Interfaces are used to define a set of methods that a class or component must implement.
  • /exceptions
    • Object definition for catching errors.


  • /middlewares
    • A layer that encompasses all requests, such as verifying data form, processing errors, authentication, etc.
  • /utils
    • Miscellaneous utilities, e.g. logging, validation, etc.


  • /test
    • Unit tests written in Jest that are compartmentalized by requests.

TBD Notes/Concerns

Environmental Variables

Implementation to have .env files be accessible to all environments is TBD (in lieu of just contacting doowan to retrieve them).


Creating a Postman team so that configurations for the project are accessible to everyone.

Makefile Commands for Dev/Prod

There are Makefile commands to launch a container for dev and prod (mainly for deployment), but that has not been configured well enough to be used yet. It is mostly used for the server.

  • dev: Connects to db-test database.
  • prod: Connects to db-prod database.


For now, whenever it is time for me to push to production, I would merge develop into main. Please don't do that yourself :') I'll handle it.

Need to think of a CD plan that will make it easier to deploy.

Database Update

A proper method to migrate and properly update the production database is TBD.