This is a plugin for Jeedom aimed at retrieveing water consumptions metrics from Veolia.
This implies to have a communicating water meter provided by Veolia called Téléo and a proper local Jeedom installation.
This plugin has been inspired by the work done by:
- Jeedom through their Enedis plugin: plugin-enedis
- hugoKs3 through his Jazpar plugin
- Flobul for his Python script to retrieve data from Veolia IdF site
- This code does not pretend to be bug-free
- Although it should not harm your Jeedom system, it is provided without any warranty or liability
- This plugin heavily relies on how the Veolia website is structured/designed. Any change on the website will most probably break the plugin and will then require to perform code changes on the plugin.
- On Jeedom, the plugin is configured to gather data every hour. It may happen that it does not work each time: no issue, just wait for the next scheduled run.
This plugin is opened for contributions and even encouraged! Please submit your pull requests for improvements/fixes.