What's Changed
Breaking Changes 🛠
- Webhook HMAC Key validation by @dcardos in #39
- The Adyen Merchant Account field now holds the Merchant Account Name instead of the Adyen Adapter Name record value by @dcardos in #41
New Features 🎉
- Added logging for CAPTURE_FAILED and REFUND_FAILED webhooks by @dcardos in #34
- Implementing new Named Credential for Adyen Checkout API Callouts by @dcardos in #40
Fixes ❤️🩹
- Capture reference is always unique by @dcardos in #33
- Logging errors in gateway logs response field by @dcardos in #37
- Fixing package incompatibility with new order save behavior by @dcardos in #45
Refactored 🌪
- Remove hardcoded namespace in the code by @dcardos in #35
- Adding Gateway provider, APM setup and removing deprecated adyenOverrideMerchantConfig__c field by @dcardos in #41
Full Changelog: