A very small, 100% python 3 project to check when the buses and subways will arrive.
This project was written 100% with python. All your need is the last version of remi to be able to use the local web interface. The script prints to the terminal anyway.
Download remi here: https://github.com/dddomodossola/remi
The program gets the info from Pierre Grimaud's ratp API. It is very easy to use. In the RATP_Watch.py file, look for requests.get and you will find urls starting with "https://api-ratp.pierre-grimaud.fr/v3/schedules" If you're looking for info about a bus, add /bus, if metro, add /metros. Then add the number, the name of the station, and which way (A, R, or both).
Find the doc for the API here: https://api-ratp.pierre-grimaud.fr/v3/documentation Find the github for the API here: https://github.com/pgrimaud/horaires-ratp-api
As for velib, the API wasn't updated on opendata.paris.fr yet, so it kind of uses a "hack", using the API for the interactive map on valib-metropole.fr. Since the results are kind of a mess, I just iterated through the items. In get_velib(), change "xxxxx" in the if "xxxx" in str(item): by the name of the station you want the info on. Simple.
To use the program, run RATP-interfaceV2.py. It should open your browser and display the info. The interface is only 480x320, optimized for a small rapsberry pi screen. To change the logo for the buses and metro, look for "https://www.ratp.fr/sites/default/files/network" and change for the correct url.
This was written for my own consumption, therefore requires you to get your hands dirty to get it to work. If enough people are interested, I might write an interactive setup that will modify the code to get the info and logo easily.