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Breaking Change πŸ’₯
Breaking Change :boom:
Beware some previous behavior is changing
Bug πŸ›
Bug :bug:
Ooops, something is not working as it should
Dependencies πŸ”‹
Dependencies :battery:
Update, Add or remove dependecies
Documentation πŸ“–
Documentation :open_book:
Oh yeaaah, something to read!
Duplicate πŸ“‘
Duplicate :bookmark_tabs:
There's already some issue/PR for that
Enhancement 🍭
Enhancement :lollipop:
Something existing, but better ;)
Good first issue πŸ‘Ά
Good first issue :baby:
Something to try solving if you want to give a hand on the project
Help wanted πŸ‘¨β€βš•οΈ
Help wanted :man_health_worker:
Some help on that issue is more than welcome :)
In progress πŸ—οΈ
In progress :building_construction:
Progress is being made, but it's not ready yet
Invalid πŸ€”
Invalid :thinking:
Something is invalid or doesn't seems right
New Feature πŸš€
New Feature :rocket:
And one more usefull feature :)
Packaging πŸ“¦
Packaging :package:
Ship all the things
Pending ⏳
Pending :hourglass_flowing_sand:
Pending, Stalled, or some other 'grain de sable dans l'engrenage'(a snag)
Quality πŸ”¬
Quality :microscope:
Test, code quality and Continuous Integration
Question ❓
Question :question:
Asking questions very good way to find out about things
Refactoring πŸ› οΈ
Refactoring :hammer_and_wrench:
Better code incoming
Upgrades πŸ“€
Upgrades :outbox_tray:
Update all the things
Won't Fix πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
Won't Fix :man_shrugging:
Can't or Won't be fixed