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Bertrand de Coatpont edited this page May 19, 2016 · 29 revisions

By selecting the "Communities" add-on when building a new Demo configuration, your environment will be setup for fully fledged Communities demo, with sample sites and content.

Four demo sites can be configured according to the following demo.communities.* Properties:

Property Default Value Description Package
.samples.communities true The generic Demo site for AEM Communities, created from a Community Site template leveraging all of the AEM Communities features. Works with AEM 6.1 and beyond Link
.samples.enablement true The reference Demo site for AEM Communities "Enablement" features. Works with AEM 6.1 FP1 and beyond. Requires MySQL and SCORM setup Link
.samples.scoring false The reference Demo site for AEM Communities "Gamification" features. Works with AEM 6.2 and beyond. Requires the Advanced Scoring packages (ant download_communities_advanced) Link
.samples.weretail false The generic Demo site for AEM Communities, created as a sub-site for the AEM We.Retail demonstration. Works with AEM 6.2 and beyond. Requires the We.Retail packages. (ant download_weretail) Link

Note: If not using the AEM Demo Machine "Communities" scenario, you can also manually upload the respective packages are a regular AEM package, then double-click on the Home page under /content/sites to go through a setup wizard.

Recommended Setup

In order to demonstrate the AEM Communities features, it is recommended to proceed as follows:

  • Install the required infrastructure
    • MongoDB and SOLR for MSRP (Common Store)
    • MySQL and FFMEG for the Enablement features
  • Download the latest Feature Packs from the GUI
    • Set the "demo.communities.featurepack" property to the desired Feature Pack, e.g. "aem61-fp4" or "aem62-fp1" as per the files downloaded under /dist/communities/featurepacks
  • Set the "demo.communities.enablement" property to "true" if needed


If you already are using MySQL, you can also point at an existing instance:

  • From the Demo Machine GUI, set the "demo.mysql.external" to "true" and verify the credentials


If you are already using MongoDB, you can point at an existing instance:

  • From the Demo Machine GUI, set the "demo.mongo.external" to "true" and verify the credentials

Demonstration Sites

Reference Demo Site

Primary forum, activity feeds and file sharing

Enablement features

Calendar, blog and analytics

Enablement Demo Site

Scoring Demo Site

We.Retail Demo Site

Detailed Installation Walkthrough

Here's an example of an end to end scenario to get a Demo Machine configured for demonstrating AEM Communities with the sample demo sites:

  1. Download the AEM Demo Machine
  2. It's better if you can clone it using Git, so that any changes or updates are kept in sync
  3. If you downloaded from GitHub rather than cloning, then extract the zip file
  4. Put an AEM license file under /dist/license folder and make sure it says “”.
  5. (VPN) You can obtain the license file from this internal link, or use one of your previous AEM instances you’re running on your machine to get the license file
  6. Run the AEM Demo Machine GUI by double-clicking in “demomachine.jar” in the extracted folder
  7. Go to “Infrastructure > All in one setup” and let it finish
  8. This is going to download roughly 500Mb of software, so a good quality Internet access is required
  9. Add the path to FFMPEG binaries {demomachinehome}/ffmpeg to your system PATH variable
  10. Special instructions apply on Windows and Unix for MySQL
  11. (VPN) Setup the Marketing Cloud Integrations
  12. Download
  13. Go to the section that says “Connecting to the Marketing Cloud”
  14. Get the file by clicking on step 1’s link “Marketing Cloud demo properties”
  15. In the Demo Machine GUI, go to “New>Demo Properties”
  16. Click on Load in the Demo Machine GUI
  17. Browse and select the downloaded file to load, once loaded you’ll see various properties checked
  18. Now perform the following, to update some additional properties:
  19. set the “AdobeID.user” property to [your Adobe ID username or email address]
  20. set the “AdobeID.password” property to [your Adobe ID password]
  21. set the "demo.communities.featurepack" property to the desired feature pack, e.g. "aem61-fp3" (without the double-quotes!) or "aem61-fp4" or "aem62-fp1"
  22. set the "demo.communities.enablement" property to "true" (without the double-quotes!)
  23. Hit save on the GUI window where properties are loaded and then hit apply
  24. Download latest hotfixes, without Step 7 you can't download the hotfixes
  25. Go to "Other > Download Latest Hotfixes (PackageShare)" in the Demo Machine GUI
  26. Download latest feature packs, without Step 7, you can’t download the packages
  27. Go to “Add-ons > Communities>Download Packages (PackageShare)” in the Demo Machine GUI
  28. (VPN) Download AEM jar file by going to “Other>AEM & License files (VPN)>Download AEM 6.x” in the Demo Machine GUI (6.1, 6.2...)
  29. In the Demo Machine GUI, go to New > Demo Environment
  30. demo config: Demo (Communities)
  31. topology: Author and Publish
  32. aem/cq .jar: aem61.jar or aem62.jar
  33. micro-kernel: tarmk
  34. communities: MSRP if possible, or JSRP if not
  35. Wait for the build to complete - approximately 20 minutes.
  36. Check the main Communities demo site on the Publish instance.

(VPN): Make sure you are on the Adobe VPN before starting this download. If you do not have access to the Adobe VPN, replace these steps accordingly.

Primary Demo Users

The main demo users and credentials are:

Configuring existing AEM instances

If you want to prepare your existing AEM author and publish instances for AEM Communities demo, without having the AEM instances setup by the demo machine:

  • From the Demo Machine GUI, set the "demo.external" to "true"
  • From the Demo Machine GUI, set the "demo.communities.upload" to "true"
  • From the Demo Machine GUI, run the "Add-on / Communities / Install add-on" command
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