- This project implements RRT for a car like robot which is non-holonomic i.e., it has got 2 controls for 3 degree of freedom space
- this paper is closely followed for the implementation
run this command to start the SLAM algorithm which is from the gmap package of ros-1 noetic
roslaunch custom_navigation gmapping_custom_param.launch
the image below shows the map obtained by using the SLAM algorithm provided by the gmapping package ros
path of the map obtained needs to be given in the
this creates an inflated map a map where the collision of the mobile robot with the walls is taken into account by increasing the thickness of the walls with appropriate dimensions specific to the car model -
pass this map to the
from RVIZ choose your intial and goal pose and the rrt_final.py displays the trajectory on the rviz. The trajectory is found such that the non holonomic constrained is taken into account.
this is how the path looks like there are few changes which are yet to be made to avoid multiple loops as can be seen in the image below