Weather forecast API Sample api to fetch the temperature and pressure of city for next three days.
Tech stack - Spring boot maven java 8 swagger owm-japis
Please run the project as java application. The bootstrap class is WeatherForecastApp .
To fetch the data you can use- 1- Browser to access the JSON by hitting localhost:8080/data/{city} Example - localhost:8080/data/Brisbane
2- Rest client - PostMan 3-Even you can use any application in which you just need to include the jar of this app and use the rest client which is present in this app.
I have used the swagger codegen to generate api client and models at the build time. I was planning to move the auto gen part to some library but due to time constraints leaving it for future.
Calculation of temperature and pressure is in the owm-japis lib. DailyWeatherForecast objects provides the dayTemp, nightTemp and pressure. so we don't need to worry about hourly temperature and pressure.
owm-japis library internally calls apis to get the data. And to fetch the data from I have created the API key and have hardcoded at the backend for now.
In the recent update I have used HourlyWeatherForecast as this is free to use. Earlier was paid one.
Note- if maven is not able to resolve the owm-japis dependency please download from and include it to classpath.