The job for auto-creation of service structure in gitlab
Set NAME variable for name of new service Requirements to the name:
- must contain exactly the same words as mentioned in the Story which service is generated for
- must be named like tittle: Capitalize Each Word (words are separated by space).
- do not use numbers if they are not expected by Story requirements
- do not set "service" name in the end - it will be added to class names automatically
- myTestRepo
- MyTestRepo
- My_test_repo
- MyTestRepoService
- MyTestRepo1
git clone
NG-FS (group)
<Service Name> (group)
<service-name>-frontend (optional)
<service-name>-b4f (optional)
You can specify variable SHORT_NAME. It used in database usernames and passwords. If variable not set, then in generated skeleton need to set manually:
* flyway db names in file ".gitlab-ci.yml"
* datasource.username in file "src/main/resources/application.yaml"
* datasource.username in file "src/integration-test/resources/application.yaml"
* datasource.username in config maps app-config-dev.yaml, app-config-sit.yaml, app-config-prf.yaml
Also, you need manually set:
SSH_PRIVATE_KEY in Service env.variables in Gitlab