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Reinforcement Learning using Intrinsic Rewards through Random Network Distillation in Chainer

This is a fairly complete implementation of Reinforcement Learning with Prediction-Based Rewards in Chainer. For more information on this implementation and intrinsic rewards using random network distillation, check out my blog post.

Random Network Distillation Schematic


  • Why use this implementation when OpenAI provided a full implementation? Because it's much simpler and easy to follow, and is a complete implementation. It uses Chainer rather than Tensorflow.
  • As in the paper, the Reinforcement Learning algorithm used is Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO).
  • All hyperparameters are mostly the same as those listed in the paper.
  • This implementation can seamlessly switch between a recurrent policy (RNN), or convolutional-only policy (CNN). The recurrent layers can be turned off by specifying the argument --rnn_hidden_layers 0.
  • The RNN layers can be replaced with a Differentiable Neural Computer (DNC) using the --dnc and --rnn_single_record_training flag. You'll need to import my Chainer implementation ( from: I was investigating its use in my work on Probabilistic Model-Based Reinforcement Learning Using The Differentiable Neural Computer.
  • This implementation was not tested on Montezuma's Revenge, as the environment did not intersect with the work I've been interested in. Nor do I have access to free GPUs that I can leave running for long periods of time. If you have the computation capacity to try it out on Montezuma's Revenge, please let me know how it goes! I believe OpenAI used MontezumaRevengeNoFrameskip-v4 for their experiments.
  • When I use the term iteration, I mean a full round of performing and logging rollouts, and training the neural networks.
  • While the paper defines a total number of rollouts per environment for training (in batches of "Rollout Length"), I define a target cumulative extrinsic rewards score, averaged over the number of trials ("Rollout Length") per iteration. The training will keep going forever until this score is achieved.
  • During training, progress is saved at each iteration, and the program automatically resumes training if interrupted.
  • I didn't write fancy code to automatically determine the actions per environment, so you will need to define them manually in the ACTIONS constant in Note that the current implementation only supports discrete actions.
  • GPU support is built in, and can be toggled using the --gpu argument. I would recommend GPUs be used single threaded. Otherwise rollouts on CPUs can be performed multi-threaded, configured through the --num_threads argument.


Python 3.5 and pip 3 are required. Perform the following steps to clone this repo and install required packages:

To install Pygame Learning Environment (for PixelCopter-v0 and more):

Note: There is a bug in the gym_ple package. Find where your Python 3.5 packages are kept, and edit lib/python3.5/site-packages/gym_ple/, and add the following lines under def __init__():

if game_name == 'PixelCopter':
    game_name = 'Pixelcopter'


  • python [--args]
Parameter Default Description
--data_dir /data/rl_rnd The base data/output directory
--game PixelCopter-v0 Game to use
--experiment_name experiment_1 To isolate its files from others
--frame_resize 84 h x w resize of each observation frame
--initial_normalization_num_trials 8 Collect observations over this many trials for initialization of RND normalization pramaters
--num_trials 128 Trials per iteration of training. Referred to as "Rollout Length" in the paper
--portion_experience_train_rnd_predictor 0.25 As in the RND paper
--z_dim 32 Dimension of encoded vector
--rnn_hidden_dim 256 RNN hidden units
--rnn_hidden_layers 1 RNN hidden layers
--rnn_single_record_training False Required for DNC
--final_hidden_dim 0 Units for additional linear layers before final output
--final_hidden_layers 0 Additional linear layers before final output
--epochs_per_iteration 4 Number of optimization epochs
--sequence_length 64 This amount of input records are stacked together for a forward pass
--minibatches 4 Backprop performed over this many rollouts
--stacked_frames 4 # of observations stacked together for the value/policy
--stacked_frames_rnd 1 # of observations stacked together for the RND predictor network
--sticky_action_probability 0.25 Repeat the previous action with this probability
--intrinsic_coefficient 1.0 As in the RND paper
--extrinsic_coefficient 2.0 As in the RND paper
--extrinsic_reward_clip 1.0 Will be clipped from - to +, as in the RND paper
--gamma_intrinsic 0.99 Discount factor for intrinsic rewards
--gamma_extrinsic 0.999 Discount factor for extrinsic rewards
--lambda_gae 0.95 GAE parameter
--epsilon_ppo 0.1 PPO loss clip range, to +/- of this value
--rnd_obs_norm_clip 5.0 Will be clipped from - to +, as in the RND paper
--beta_entropy 0.001 Entropy coeficient
--epsilon_greedy 0.0 epsilon-greedy for exploration
--model_policy_lr 0.0001 Learning rate for policy network
--model_rnd_predictor_lr 0.0001 Learning rate for RND predictor network
--model_value_lr 0.0001 Learning rate for value network
--model False Resume using .model files that are saved when training completes
--keep_past_x_snapshots 10 Delete snapshots older than this many iterations to free up disk space
--no_resume False Dont auto resume from the latest snapshot
--disable_progress_bar False Disable Chainer's progress bar when optimizing
--gpu -1 GPU ID (negative value indicates CPU)
--gradient_clip 0.0 Gradients clipped scaled to this L2 norm threshold
--rng_seed 31337
--num_threads 10 # threads for running rollouts in parallel. Best to use 1 only for GPU
--target_cumulative_rewards_extrinsic 100 Target cumulative extrinsic reward over all trials in an interation. Training ends when this is achieved
--dnc Differentiable Neural Computer. N,W,R,K, e.g. 256,64,4,0

Example usage:

  • Terminal 1: killall -9 python; sleep 1; rm -fr /data/rl_rnd/PixelCopter-v0/experiment_1 && mkdir -p /data/rl_rnd/PixelCopter-v0/experiment_1 && python -u --game PixelCopter-v0 --gpu 0 --num_threads 1 --rnn_hidden_layers 0 --sticky_action_probability 0. --final_hidden_dim 256 --final_hidden_layers 3 --stacked_frames 10 --z_dim 1024 --gradient_clip 1. >> /data/rl_rnd/PixelCopter-v0/experiment_1/log.txt &
    • Clean up previous run (if there is any). Launch the training, and log output to a file
  • Terminal 1: tail -f /data/rl_rnd/PixelCopter-v0/experiment_1/log.txt
    • To review useful output as training progresses
  • Terminal 2: watch -n 1 "grep avg /data/rl_rnd/PixelCopter-v0/experiment_1/log.txt | tail"
    • This will output the mean/std/min/max of the cumulative extrinsic rewards from of all rollouts at each iteration
  • Terminal 3: python --game PixelCopter-v0
    • Graph the cumulative extrinsic rewards from of all rollouts at each iteration. It refreshes as new results become available


Full Chainer implementation of OpenAI's Reinforcement Learning using Random Network Distillation






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