Using big query, I analysed the Covid-19 dataset 2020 – 2022 (dataset was gotten from World in data). I used the data set to practice my skills in data exploration, data analysis and data visualization using Microsoft Excel, SQL (Big query) and Tableau.
- Which country has the highest death ratio compared to total cases?
- What was the covid-19 death percentage of the world population?
- Which of the continent had the highest and lowest death rate per population?
I downloaded the data as a CSV file, then I created two different dataset from it namely; CovidDeaths and CovidVaccinations using Micrsoft Excel. I took a look at both dataset after uploading to Google big query as CSV files.
There is a lot of data to analyze from both dataset but will focus on few columns for exploration and analysis
I looked for the total death count per continent and retrieve the below table
I also looked for death percentage globally using total cases versus total death and got the below table
I looked for country with highest infection rate and got the below table
Some of the insights I got from the analysis are
- North America recorded the highest death count of 1,082,456 . North America include United States, Mexico, Canada, Guatemala, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Cuba, Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Panama, Jamaica, Bahamas, Trinidad and Tobago among others
- Cyprus had the highest infection rate of 631,111
- The total cases was 2.370,997,786
- The total death was 21,292,183
- The world recorded 0.90 death percent of its total
Once I finished with the analysis, I saved the tables as CSV files (this is because tables from big query can’t be saved directly in Microsoft Excel) then converted the tables to Microsoft excel, saved each tables individually then uploaded them to tableau and created the dashboard