Originally this was a project of the Full stack nano degree offered by udacity. It's a simple Coffee shop single web app using ionic/angular as the frontend framework, Flask and sqlight, sqlalchemy, postgresql as the backend.
Udacity : https://udacity.com/.
The application can:
- Display graphics representing the ratios of ingredients in each drink.
- Allow public users to view drink names and graphics.
- Allow the shop baristas to see the recipe information.
- Allow the shop managers to create new drinks and edit existing drinks.
Based on: REST principles! each endpoint returns a JSON metadata. Base Uri: "Your_local_Host:Port/". ex: http://localhost:5000 "Server ex: http://localhost:8100 "ionic"
GET: Retrieves resources Post: Creates resources Patch: Updates resources DELETE: Deletes resources
GET '/drinks' "Public" GET '/drinks-detail' "Requires AUTH" POST '/drink' "Requires AUTH" PATCH '/drink/id' Note: id has to be an int, "Requires AUTH" DELETE '/drink/id' Note: id has to be an int, "Requires AUTH"