Java 17 needed
./mvnw spring-boot:run -f web/pom.xml
This project was made for a quick demo, some code and config may be ugly, and broken
Demonstrating some techniques to push a feature in small batches. All of your commits should be prod-ready.
Let's imagine that all our development are really long (more than one day), and we try to split them (commit each day at least once to prod).
Branch by abstraction is useful when we want to completely replace code, with an abstraction.
Context: We want to rework the rule determining an IPA type
Exercice: rework IPARule, let's say a Double IPA is not between 6-10 alcohol and 70-100 ibu (previously 7-10 and 80-100)
Create an abstraction around the code to be replaced and commit. Implement the new code (with dedicated test) and commit. Remove the old code and commit.
Dark launching may be a fancy word for developing back-end first (implementation), and then climb up progressively to the front-end (what is exposed).
Context: We already started a new feature: we can Rate a Beer.
One basic implementation was started, and pushed to production without any issue, since it is not wired and exposed, yet.
Exercise: expose the Rate a Beer feature as a new endpoint, and commit it.
Feature toggle: parametrize enabling of a feature
Context: we want to forbid users to rate a beer during working hours (09-17h), but this is a critical and already exposed feature
Exercise: implement a quick and naive datetime check when creating a Rate, but only when property true