Concepts Learned as of December 2023 on the domain of Artificial Intelligence.
--Search Algorithms like Depth-First Search (DFS), Breadth-First Search (BFS), A* and Greedy Best.
--Adversarial Search like MiniMax algorithm for decision-making in game theory.
--Alpha-Beta Pruning and Depth-Limited Minimax.
--Uncertainty and Bayesian networks for probabilistic modeling.
--Markov's Assumptions in Markov models, Markov's Chain Rule.
--Base theorem for probability calculation, Unconditional/Joint Probablity
--Optimization Algorithms.
--Hill Climbing algorithms like Stochastic, Random Restart, Steepest Ascent, First Choice, Local Beam Search.
--Simulated Annealing, Backtracking search/algorithm for Travelling Salesman.
--Constraint Satisfaction, Node/Arc Consistency
--Heuristics for guiding search algorithms like Manhattan Distance, Minimum Remaining Values (MRV).
--Knowledge Engineering and Inference Rulings like Sampling.
--Supervised Learning, Classification, and k-Nearest Neighbors.
--Perceptron learning rule for binary classification.
--Activation functions like ReLU, sigmoid, and tanh.
--Regession, Loss Function.
--Overfitting and techniques to mitigate it.
--Q-Learning for reinforcement learning.
--Neural Networks (ANN), Deep Neural Networks (DNN).
--Gradient Descent, Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD), Weight Initialization.
--Backpropagation for updating weights.
--Dropout layer for regularization.
--Large Language Models(LLMs)
--PyTorch and TensorFlow frameworks.
--Epochs in training.
--Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN).
--Pooling layer for spatial reduction.
--Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN), Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) for sequential data.
--Parsing and understanding language structures.
--Bag of Words and n-grams models for text representation.
--Naive Bayes and Additive Smoothing for text classification.
--NLTK Library, n-grams.
--Word2Vec for word embeddings.
--Word Tokenization.
--Transformer Architecture for sequence-to-sequence tasks.
--Python programming language.
--PyTorch & TensorFlow
--Pygame , Atari Games.
--Numpy for numerical operations.
--Matplotlib for data visualization.
--scikit-learn for machine learning tasks.
--Autograd for automatic differentiation.
--MSELoss() for mean squared error loss in regression tasks.
--Linear Regression for predicting a continuous outcome.
--GloVe technique for word embeddings.
--Softmax algorithm for multiclass classification.
--MNIST and Cifar-10 datasets for image classification.
--Ginza , Pykakasi.