RESTful Spring boot service that allows Pushbullet users register and send Pushbullet notifications to registered users, as well as retrieve all registered users on the service.
- Ensure you have Java 1.8+ installed
- Checkout project and import as a maven project in your IDE (e.g. Eclipse)
- Sign up to if required, ensure you have an access token (can be found under Settings -> Account on the Pushbullet website)
- Install Pushbullet onto a device (browser or phone)
- Run, this will run the application onto http://localhost:8080 (make sure the port is free!)
- Use a tool like Curl or Postman to send HTTP messages to the service
POST http://{hostname}:{port}/api/user
Register a new user.
Request Content Type: application/json
"username": "bbcUser1",
"accessToken": "anAccessToken"
Response Content Type: application/json
"username": "bbcUser1",
"accessToken": "anAccessToken",
"creationTime": “2011-02-01T10:30:20”,
"numOfNotificationsPushed": 0
201: User registered successfully 400: Bad request, such as missing username or access token in request body 409: User with given username already registered
GET http://{hostname}:{port}/api/user
Get all registered users.
Response Content Type: application/json
"username": "bbcUser1",
"accessToken": "anAccessToken",
"creationTime": “2011-02-01T10:30:20”,
"numOfNotificationsPushed": 0
200: The request has succeeded
POST http://{hostname}:{port}/api/push/{username}
Get all registered users.
Response Content Type: application/json
Should match the API defined on
"type": "note",
"title": "the title",
"body": "context of body"
200: The request has succeeded 400: Bad request, check message for more information (if any) 404: User with username {username} not registered