This Repository contains a Detailed Sample app that Implements clean Architecture in flutter using RxDart,DIO,Bloc Framework
- bloc: its include all bloc classes which intract between Model and View Communication
- model: its include given sub modules
- remote : its include Network Call classes like APIConstants,ApiServices using DIO HTTP Library
- repo : its include all repository classes which handle the data requests coming from blocs
- beans : its include all data classes,models and db entities used in application
- utils: Utilities Classes
- view: View Classes Like All MatrialApp,Scafolds,Widgets etc
Request data from bloc's
Observe bloc BehaviorSubject(it's Observable) for response
Having all BehaviorSubject(Observeable's) of DataModels
Call getDataReqeust from Repository
Send requested param and BehaviorSubject to Repository
Get RequestData & BehaviorSubject as Param from Bloc
Decide to fetch data from DB/Network
Fetch data and post it on BehaviorSubject get from Bloc
- RxDart: used for Reacive Programming in Dart
- Dio: used for Http Client and handle Network calls
- Bloc: it's Framework used for stream data to view