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Ansible role ableton.fastbuild

This role installs FASTBuild on a Windows-based host.


Ansible >= 2.10, and a Windows-based host.

Although FASTBuild has support for Linux and macOS hosts, this role doesn't support those platforms yet.

Role Variables

The following variables influence how FASTBuild is installed on the host:

  • fastbuild_arch: Architecture to download, must be either x64 or x86.
  • fastbuild_cache_dir: Where FASTBuild should store its cache.
  • fastbuild_cache_owner: User who will own the FASTBuild configuration directory.
  • fastbuild_cache_schedule_trim: If true, then add a scheduled task to regularly trim the cache.
  • fastbuild_cache_trim_size_mb: How large the FASTBuild cache should be trimmed to (requires fastbuild_cache_schedule_trim to be true).
  • fastbuild_path_win: Where the FASTBuild executables will be extracted to.
  • fastbuild_version: Version of FASTBuild to install.

See the defaults/main.yml file for full documentation on required and optional role variables.

Example Playbook

- name: Install FASTBuild on hosts
  hosts: "all"
    fastbuild_cache_schedule_trim: true
    fastbuild_cache_trim_size_mb: 4096
    fastbuild_path_win: C:\FASTBuild
    fastbuild_version: "1.05"

    - ableton.fastbuild




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