This application is a C implementation of the EPS Mobility management entity. It has the S11, S1-MME interfaces and the S6a emulated with an internal HSS.
- pkg-config
- check ( (optional)
- flex (optional)
- bison (optional)
- libconfig9 (
- glib
- libsctp
- MariaDB server and client (mariadb-server libmysqlclient-dev)
# apt-get install libsctp1 libevent-2.0-5 libglib2.0-0 libmysqlclient20 mariadb-server libconfig9
# apt-get install build-essential cmake libevent-dev libsctp-dev libmysqlclient-dev libconfig-dev libglib2.0-dev libssl-dev
- HMAC library (
- AES & milenage (
Two different build systems are provided, CMake (preferred) and autotools.
Use the usual cmake workflow. To build a release version (out-of-tree):
$ mkdir Release && cd Release
$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
$ make
A packet can be also created using CPack
$ cpack -G DEB
$ libtoolize
$ autoreconf -i
$ ./configure --prefix=/usr # This is required for systemd unit files
$ make
- Install the deb package or install it on your current machine:
# make install
- Setup the configuration file on
# cp /etc/aalto/mme.cfg.template /etc/aalto/mme.cfg
- Run the binary or start the unit file:
# systemctl start MME
Install MariaDB or MySQL on your machine (if you haven't already done so), MariaDB repository configuration tool: . Don't forget the client development packet, libmariadbclient-dev on Debian.
Run the script that creates the database and the tables.
$ mysql -u admin -p < mme/S6a/scripts/hss_lte_db.sql
- Run the script that creates demo user
$ mysql -u admin -p < mme/S6a/scripts/userdata.sql
- The user and password for interacting with mysql are hss:hss
There are some enviromental variables to configure the MME:
- MME_LOGLEVEL: sets the inial log level of the MME. Range 1-7, equivalent to syslog.
- MME_CONFIG: path to mme.cfg file. Check the example in the repository.
The CLI can be accesses on the TCP port 5000 using netcat. It provides basic functionality as:
- change log level
- view S1 associations
This application was initially developed as a Final Project by Vicent Ferrer Guasch ([email protected]) Under the supervision of, Jukka Manner ([email protected]) Jose Costa-Requena ([email protected]) in AALTO University and partially funded by EIT ICT labs.
This project was using check framework at the begining, but now it includes some tests using glib.
- Check Test framework:
$ make check
libtoolize -i
autoreconf -i
./configure --enable-debug --enable-gcov
bash -c "make check ; exit 0 "
cppcheck . --xml 2> cppcheck-result.xml
find . \( \( \( -name *.c \) -o \( -name *.h \) \) -a \( ! -name xml* \) \) -print | cccc --lang="c" -
sloccount --duplicates --wide --details . | grep ansic >
bash -c "/usr/local/bin/pmd/bin/ cpd --minimum-tokens 50 --files . --language c --format xml 1>cpd.xml ; exit 0"
doxygen mme.doxyfile
cd TestProgram
gcov *.o
cd ..
gcovr -x > coverage.xml
- CPD: **/cpd.xml
- CCCC: .cccc/cccc.xml
- Covertura: **/coverage.xml
- CppCheck: **/cppcheck-result.xml
- Doxygen path: mme.doxyfile
- SLOCcount: **/
- xUnit: **/check_tests.xml
- Debugging
To build the project with debugging symbols, use the configure flag --enable-debug
- Code Coverage To enable code coverage use the configure flags --enable-debug --enable-gcov The code coverage is obtained with gcov and gcovr. (gcovr allows the integration on Jenkins using coverage plugin)
To install gcovr:
$ wget -O - | sudo python
$ svn co gcovr
$ cd gcovr
$ sudo python install