This is Cromax, a website designed to help 3 key stakeholders
New shop owners
: looking to start a business in selling electronic itemsExisting shop owners
: who would like to understand consumer behaviour and get analyticsThe general consumer
: to find best deals for croma appliances
Cromax is a genAI
based application, it uses natural language to understand what the user is talking about and interacts with maps
, graphs
and more.
- Chatbot that controls web elements
- Demand Forecasting
- Competitor Analysis
- Product recommendation LLM
This website has not been hosted yet, to run it locally follow these steps.
Install the required dependencies from each folder using (the necessary instructions have been given in each directory)
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Ensure that you have
Head to Dashbord and use the command below to run the server
npm start
This will launch all the applications. Give it some time to load properly, then you can start playing around with it.