Go, templ, tailwind, SQLite
-[X] Implement Confirmation Email on subscribe
-[X] Validate Email addresses with email package on sign up
-[X] Create a successful sign up component to return
-[X] Implement relationship feature in sign-up
-[X] Generate random codes
-[X] Delete components folder
-[X] Create representative docker compose file
-[X] Create 0.0.1 release and pull image to vps
-[ ] Install tailwind and build styles locally to move away from cdn
-[ ] Host and serve htmx javascript from static folder to move away from cdn
-[ ] Make the verified field a timestamp rather than a boolean
go run ./cmd/main.go
sudo docker build -t newsletter .
docker-compose up -d
- Install go templ
go install github.com/a-h/templ/cmd/templ@latest
- Install air for live re load
go install github.com/air-verse/air@latest
- Make a resources folder in project root, and
file within.mkdir resources
touch resources/subscribers.db
- Run command
from the project root. - relevant files will be watched by air, start devloping locally and project will be rebuilt automatically on save.