Notebooks for 3D Slicer to export ultrasound annotations for machine learning. Notebooks also contain scripts for processing exported data, and some example deep learning methods.
- Install Anaconda (with Python 3.7)
- Run the setup_env.bat file (in SetupAnaconda folder) to create environment in a folder.
- Clone this repository on your computer.
- Some notebooks will require that you createa a new file in the Notebooks folder of your local clone, named, and define the root_folder variable in that file, e.g. root_folder = r"c:\Data". Please do not commit/push your!
- Install Slicer 4.11 or newer version (after 2019-05-31, for full functionality)
- Install the Jupyter extension for Slicer, and follow the extension user guide to add the Python environment of Slicer as a kernel in Jupyter Notebook.
- Install additional packages in the Slicer python environment, to be able to run all Slicer notebooks. Open a cmd terminal as Administrator, go the Slicer bin folder, and use this command PythonSlicer.exe -m pip install tensorflow keras scikit-learn ipywidgets
- To run notebooks, start the Anaconda command prompt, navigate to the Notebooks folder of your clone of this repository, and type the "jupyter notebook" command. Note: Some Slicer notebooks are written for Slicer 4.10 (Python 2.7). They will be gradually updated for Slicer 4.11 (Python 3.6).
- Use the Sequences extension in 3D Slicer to record tracked ultrasound sequences.
- Record Image_Image (the ultrasound in the Image coordinate system) and ImageToReference transform sequences. Note that Slicer cannot record transformed images, so recording Image_Reference is not an option.
- Create annotations by placing fiducials or creating segmentations.
- Save the Slicer scene.
- Use Notebooks/Slicer/AverageIntensities to determine intensity threshold and image region for settinput up filter in later notebooks to skip images with no skin contact.
- Use scripts in the Notebooks/Slicer folder to export images and annotations. These scripts will automatically open a Slicer managed by Jupyter. Load the saved Slicer scenes in these managed Slicer instances and run the notebooks to export data.
- (optional) Use Notebooks/SplitAnnotatedData to separate part of the data into testing, validation, and training folders.
- Use Notebooks/FoldersToSavedArrays to save data sequences as single files for faster data loading during training.