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build 360T7 Images

build 360T7 Images #25

Workflow file for this run

name: build 360T7 Images
TZ: Asia/Shanghai
Vanilla: false
FAST: false
SSH: false
VanillaUboot: false
PLUGINver: false
Release: true
LanzhouYun: false
OneDrive: false
description: "Target to build (platform/target/subtarget)"
required: false
default: "all"
- '.github/workflows/360T7.yml'
- cron: '0 4 * * 5'
name: Generate Config
permissions: write-all
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
TARGETS: ${{ steps.find-targets.outputs.TARGETS }}
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@main
- name: SSH
if: env.SSH == 'true'
uses: appleboy/ssh-action@master
host: ${{ secrets.HOST }}
username: ${{ secrets.USERNAME }}
password: ${{ secrets.PASSWORD }}
port: ${{ secrets.PORT }}
script: whoami
- name: Find Targets
id: find-targets
INPUT_TARGET: ${{ github.event.inputs.INPUT_TARGET }}
run: |
if [ "$INPUT_TARGET" = "all" ] || [ "$INPUT_TARGET" = "" ]; then
export TARGETS="$(cat config/platform.config)"
echo -e "\033[31m INPUT_TARGET=${INPUT_TARGETT} \033[0m"
echo -e "\033[31m TARGETS=${INPUT_TARGET} \033[0m"
echo -e "\033[31m INPUT_TARGET: \033[0m $INPUT_TARGET"
echo -e "\033[31m TARGETS: $TARGETS \033[0m"
JSON='{"config": ["default"], "targets":['
for TARGET in $TARGETS; do
echo -e "\033[31m FIRST: $FIRST \033[0m"
[[ $FIRST -ne 1 ]] && JSON="$JSON"','
echo -e "\033[31m JSON1: $JSON \033[0m"
echo -e "\033[31m JSON2: $JSON \033[0m"
echo $JSON
echo "::set-output name=TARGETS::$JSON"
name: ${{ matrix.TARGETS }}
needs: [Config]
permissions: write-all
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
fail-fast: false
matrix: ${{fromJson(needs.Config.outputs.TARGETS)}}
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@main
- name: Generate Variables
id: env
run: |
export SERIAL=$(echo ${{ matrix.TARGETS }} | awk -F ',' '{print $1}')
export NAME=$(echo ${{ matrix.TARGETS }} | awk -F ',' '{print $2}')
export CONFIG_FILE=$(echo ${{ matrix.TARGETS }} | awk -F ',' '{print $2}')".config"
REPO_URL=''$(echo ${{ matrix.TARGETS }} | awk -F ',' '{print $3}')
export REPO_BRANCH=$(echo ${{ matrix.TARGETS }} | awk -F ',' '{print $4}')
export DIY_P1_SH=$(echo ${{ matrix.TARGETS }} | awk -F ',' '{print $5}' )
echo "DIY_P1_SH=$DIY_P1_SH" >> $GITHUB_ENV
export DIY_P2_SH=$(echo ${{ matrix.TARGETS }} | awk -F ',' '{print $6}' )
echo "DIY_P2_SH=$DIY_P2_SH" >> $GITHUB_ENV
export DIY_P3_SH=$(echo ${{ matrix.TARGETS }} | awk -F ',' '{print $7}')
echo "DIY_P3_SH=$DIY_P3_SH" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo -e "\033[31m SERIAL: $SERIAL \033[0m"
echo -e "\033[31m NAME: $NAME \033[0m"
echo -e "\033[31m CONFIG_FILE: $CONFIG_FILE \033[0m"
echo -e "\033[31m REPO_URL: $REPO_URL \033[0m"
echo -e "\033[31m REPO_BRANCH: $REPO_BRANCH \033[0m"
echo -e "\033[31m DIY_P1_SH: $DIY_P1_SH \033[0m"
echo -e "\033[31m DIY_P2_SH: $DIY_P2_SH \033[0m"
echo -e "\033[31m DIY_P3_SH: $DIY_P3_SH \033[0m"
echo "matrix.TARGETS: ${{ matrix.TARGETS }}"
- name: 1.Mount onedrive
if: env.OneDrive == 'true' || env.LanzhouYun == 'true'
run: |
curl -s | sudo bash
sudo -E apt-get -qq install unzip
mkdir -p ~/.config/rclone/
unzip -P ${{ secrets.PASSWD_rclone }} -d ~/.config/rclone/
sudo mkdir /onedrive5g
sudo chown -R $USER:$GROUPS /onedrive5g
rclone mount one:/ /onedrive5g --daemon --copy-links --no-gzip-encoding --no-check-certificate
df -h
- name: 1.File Name
run: |
chmod +x Shell/
bash Shell/ $GITHUB_ENV
echo "NUM: $NUM"
- name: 1.DIY_P3_SH
run: |
if [ -f Shell/$DIY_P3_SH ];then cd Shell
chmod +x $DIY_P3_SH ; chmod +x
mv $CONFIG_FILE .config
- name: Initialization Environment
if: env.ENVIRONMENT == 'true' && env.FAST != 'true'
DEBIAN_FRONTEND: noninteractive
run: |
sudo rm -rf /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* /usr/share/dotnet /usr/local/lib/android /opt/ghc
sudo -E apt-get -qq update
sudo -E apt-get -qq install build-essential clang flex bison g++ gawk gcc-multilib g++-multilib \
gettext git libncurses5-dev libssl-dev python3-distutils rsync unzip zlib1g-dev file wget qemu-utils
sudo -E apt-get -qq autoremove --purge
sudo -E apt-get -qq clean
sudo timedatectl set-timezone "$TZ"
sudo mkdir -p /workdir
sudo chown $USER:$GROUPS /workdir
- name: Clone source code
run: |
df -hT $PWD
git clone $REPO_URL -b $REPO_BRANCH openwrt
ln -sf /workdir/openwrt $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/openwrt
- name: Load custom feeds
run: |
chmod +x Shell/$DIY_P1_SH
cd openwrt
echo '---------------------------------------------------------------'
- name: Update feeds
run: cd openwrt && ./scripts/feeds update -a
- name: Install feeds
run: cd openwrt && ./scripts/feeds install -a
- name: 1.Load custom configuration
run: |
[ -e config/$CONFIG_FILE ] && cp config/$CONFIG_FILE openwrt/
sudo mkdir -p /workdir
sudo chown $USER:$GROUPS /workdir
ln -sf /workdir/openwrt $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/openwrt
chmod +x Shell/$DIY_P2_SH
chmod +x Shell/ && cp Shell/ openwrt/
cd openwrt
mv $CONFIG_FILE .config
cat .config
- name: FAST Initialization Environment
working-directory: /workdir
if: env.ENVIRONMENT == 'true' && env.FAST == 'true'
DEBIAN_FRONTEND: noninteractive
run: |
sudo rm -rf /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* /usr/share/dotnet /usr/local/lib/android /opt/ghc
sudo -E apt-get -qq update
sudo -E apt-get -qq install build-essential clang flex bison g++ gawk gcc-multilib g++-multilib \
gettext git libncurses5-dev libssl-dev python3-distutils rsync unzip zlib1g-dev file wget qemu-utils
sudo -E apt-get -qq autoremove --purge
sudo -E apt-get -qq clean
sudo timedatectl set-timezone "$TZ"
- name: Download package_1
id: package_1
run: |
cd openwrt && make defconfig && make download -j$DOWNLOAD
find dl -size -1024c -exec ls -l {} \;
find dl -size -1024c -exec rm -f {} \;
- name: 1.Compile
id: compile_1
run: |
cd openwrt
echo -e "$(nproc) thread compile"
[[ $NPROC -eq 0 ]] && make -j$(nproc) || make -j$NPROC
- name: 1.Compile failure
if: ${{ failure() }}
id: Compile_failure_1
run: |
cd openwrt && make -j1 V=99
- name: 1.Check space usage
if: (!cancelled())
run: df -hT
- name : 1.Upload BIN
uses: actions/upload-artifact@master
name: ${{ env.BIN }}
path: openwrt/bin/
if-no-files-found: warn
- name: 1.Upload factory
uses: actions/upload-artifact@master
name: ${{ env.FACTORY }}
path: openwrt/bin/targets/*/*/*squashfs-factory.bin
if-no-files-found: ignore
- name: 1.Upload sysupgrade
uses: actions/upload-artifact@master
name: ${{ env.SYSUPGRADE }}
path: openwrt/bin/targets/*/*/*squashfs-sysupgrade.bin
if-no-files-found: ignore
- name: 1.tar
run: |
tar zcvf RELEASE/$BIN.tar.gz --exclude=openwrt/bin/targets/*/*/*squashfs-factory.bin --exclude=openwrt/bin/targets/*/*/*squashfs-sysupgrade.bin openwrt/bin/ || echo "$NAME is no directory BIN"
tar zcvf RELEASE/$FACTORY.tar.gz openwrt/bin/targets/*/*/*squashfs-factory.bin || echo "$NAME is no factory.bin"
tar zcvf RELEASE/$SYSUPGRADE.tar.gz openwrt/bin/targets/*/*/*squashfs-sysupgrade.bin || echo "ERROR: $NAME is no sysupgrade"
- name: 0. build Vanilla Uboot
if: env.VanillaUboot == 'true' && !failure() && !cancelled()
run: |
rm -rf openwrt/bin openwrt/.config
cp config/$CONFIG_FILE openwrt/
cd openwrt
mv $CONFIG_FILE .config
echo "修改前"
cat .config
- name: 0.修改后config
if: env.VanillaUboot == 'true' && !failure() && !cancelled()
run: |
cd openwrt && ./ $NAME
echo "修改后"
cat .config
- name: 0.Download package
if: env.VanillaUboot == 'true' && !failure() && !cancelled()
id: package0
run: |
cd openwrt && rm -rf tmp
make defconfig && make download -j$DOWNLOAD
find dl -size -1024c -exec ls -l {} \;
find dl -size -1024c -exec rm -f {} \;
- name: 0.Compile
if: env.VanillaUboot == 'true' && !failure() && !cancelled()
id: compile_0
run: |
cd openwrt
echo -e "$(nproc) thread compile"
[[ $NPROC -eq 0 ]] && make -j$(nproc) || make -j$NPROC
- name: 0.Compile failure
if: env.VanillaUboot == 'true' && env.PLUGINver == 'true' && failure()
id: Compile_failure_0
run: |
cd openwrt && make -j1 V=99
- name : 0.Upload Vanilla BIN stock(非108M 原厂Uboot)
if: env.VanillaUboot == 'true' && !failure() && !cancelled()
uses: actions/upload-artifact@master
name: ${{ env.VanillaBIN }}
path: openwrt/bin/
if-no-files-found: warn
- name : 0.Upload Vanilla factory(非108M 原厂Uboot)
if: env.VanillaUboot == 'true' && !failure() && !cancelled()
uses: actions/upload-artifact@master
name: ${{ env.VanillaFACTORY }}
path: openwrt/bin/targets/*/*/*squashfs-factory.bin
if-no-files-found: ignore
- name : 0.Upload Vanilla sysupgrade(非108M 原厂Uboot)
if: env.VanillaUboot == 'true' && !failure() && !cancelled()
uses: actions/upload-artifact@master
name: ${{ env.VanillaSYSUPGRADE }}
path: openwrt/bin/targets/*/*/*squashfs-sysupgrade.bin
if-no-files-found: ignore
- name: 0.tar
if: env.VanillaUboot == 'true' && !failure() && !cancelled()
run: |
tar zcvf RELEASE/$VanillaBIN.tar.gz --exclude=openwrt/bin/targets/*/*/*squashfs-factory.bin --exclude=openwrt/bin/targets/*/*/*squashfs-sysupgrade.bin openwrt/bin/ || echo "$NAME is no directory BIN"
tar zcvf RELEASE/$VanillaFACTORY.tar.gz openwrt/bin/targets/*/*/*squashfs-factory.bin || echo "$NAME is no factory.bin"
tar zcvf RELEASE/$VanillaSYSUPGRADE.tar.gz openwrt/bin/targets/*/*/*squashfs-sysupgrade.bin || echo "ERROR: $NAME is no sysupgrade"
- name: 2. 108M ttyd filetransfer
if: env.PLUGINver == 'true' && !failure() && !cancelled()
run: |
rm -rf openwrt/bin openwrt/.config
cp config/$CONFIG_FILE openwrt/
cd openwrt && mv $CONFIG_FILE .config
echo "修改前"
cat .config
- name: 2.修改后config
if: env.PLUGINver == 'true' && !failure() && !cancelled()
run: |
cd openwrt
./ ttyd filetransfer
echo "修改后"
cat .config
- name: 2.Download package
if: env.PLUGINver == 'true' && !failure() && !cancelled()
id: package2
run: |
cd openwrt && rm -rf tmp
make defconfig && make download -j$DOWNLOAD
find dl -size -1024c -exec ls -l {} \;
find dl -size -1024c -exec rm -f {} \;
- name: 2.Compile
if: env.PLUGINver == 'true' && !failure() && !cancelled()
id: compile_2
run: |
cd openwrt
echo -e "$(nproc) thread compile"
[[ $NPROC -eq 0 ]] && make -j$(nproc) || make -j$NPROC
- name: 2.Compile failure
if: env.PLUGINver == 'true' && failure()
id: Compile_failure_2
run: |
cd openwrt && make -j1 V=99
- name : 2.Upload Vanilla BIN
if: env.PLUGINver == 'true' && !failure() && !cancelled()
uses: actions/upload-artifact@master
name: ${{ env.mini_BIN }}
path: openwrt/bin/
if-no-files-found: warn
- name : 2.Upload factory
if: env.PLUGINver == 'true' && !failure() && !cancelled()
uses: actions/upload-artifact@master
name: ${{ env.mini_FACTORY }}
path: openwrt/bin/targets/*/*/*squashfs-factory.bin
if-no-files-found: ignore
- name : 2.Upload sysupgrade
if: env.PLUGINver == 'true' && !failure() && !cancelled()
uses: actions/upload-artifact@master
name: ${{ env.mini_SYSUPGRADE }}
path: openwrt/bin/targets/*/*/*squashfs-sysupgrade.bin
if-no-files-found: ignore
- name: 2.tar
if: env.PLUGINver == 'true' && !failure() && !cancelled()
run: |
tar zcvf RELEASE/$mini_BIN.tar.gz --exclude=openwrt/bin/targets/*/*/*squashfs-factory.bin --exclude=openwrt/bin/targets/*/*/*squashfs-sysupgrade.bin openwrt/bin/ || echo "$NAME is no directory BIN"
tar zcvf RELEASE/$mini_FACTORY.tar.gz openwrt/bin/targets/*/*/*squashfs-factory.bin || echo "$NAME is no factory.bin"
tar zcvf RELEASE/$mini_SYSUPGRADE.tar.gz openwrt/bin/targets/*/*/*squashfs-sysupgrade.bin || echo "ERROR: $NAME is no sysupgrade"
- name: 3.108M ssrplus
if: env.PLUGINver == 'true' && !failure() && !cancelled()
run: |
rm -rf openwrt/bin openwrt/.config
cp config/$CONFIG_FILE openwrt/
cd openwrt && mv $CONFIG_FILE .config
echo "修改前"
cat .config
- name: 3.修改后config
if: env.PLUGINver == 'true' && !failure() && !cancelled()
run: |
cd openwrt
./ ttyd filetransfer ssr-plus
cat .config
- name: 3.Download package
if: env.PLUGINver == 'true' && !failure() && !cancelled()
id: package_3
run: |
cd openwrt && rm -rf tmp
make defconfig && make download -j$DOWNLOAD
find dl -size -1024c -exec ls -l {} \;
find dl -size -1024c -exec rm -f {} \;
- name: 3.Compile
if: env.PLUGINver == 'true' && !failure() && !cancelled()
id: compile_3
run: |
cd openwrt
echo -e "$(nproc) thread compile"
[[ $NPROC -eq 0 ]] && make -j$(nproc) || make -j$NPROC
- name: 3.Compile failure
if: env.PLUGINver == 'true' && failure()
id: Compile_failure_3
run: |
cd openwrt && make -j1 V=99
- name : 3.Upload Vanilla BIN
if: env.PLUGINver == 'true' && !failure() && !cancelled()
uses: actions/upload-artifact@master
name: ${{ env.ssrplus_BIN }}
path: openwrt/bin/
if-no-files-found: warn
- name : 3.Upload factory
if: env.PLUGINver == 'true' && !failure() && !cancelled()
uses: actions/upload-artifact@master
name: ${{ env.ssrplus_FACTORY }}
path: openwrt/bin/targets/*/*/*squashfs-factory.bin
if-no-files-found: ignore
- name : 3.Upload sysupgrade
if: env.PLUGINver == 'true' && !failure() && !cancelled()
uses: actions/upload-artifact@master
name: ${{ env.ssrplus_SYSUPGRADE }}
path: openwrt/bin/targets/*/*/*squashfs-sysupgrade.bin
if-no-files-found: ignore
- name: 3.tar
if: env.PLUGINver == 'true' && !failure() && !cancelled()
run: |
tar zcvf RELEASE/$ssrplus_BIN.tar.gz --exclude=openwrt/bin/targets/*/*/*squashfs-factory.bin --exclude=openwrt/bin/targets/*/*/*squashfs-sysupgrade.bin openwrt/bin/ || echo "$NAME is no directory BIN"
tar zcvf RELEASE/$ssrplus_FACTORY.tar.gz openwrt/bin/targets/*/*/*squashfs-factory.bin || echo "$NAME is no factory.bin"
tar zcvf RELEASE/$ssrplus_SYSUPGRADE.tar.gz openwrt/bin/targets/*/*/*squashfs-sysupgrade.bin || echo "ERROR: $NAME is no sysupgrade"
- name: 4.108M passwall
if: env.PLUGINver == 'true' && !failure() && !cancelled()
run: |
rm -rf openwrt/bin openwrt/.config
cp config/$CONFIG_FILE openwrt/
cd openwrt && mv $CONFIG_FILE .config
echo "修改前"
cat .config
- name: 4.修改后config
if: env.PLUGINver == 'true' && !failure() && !cancelled()
run: |
cd openwrt
./ ttyd filetransfer passwall
cat .config
- name: 4.Download package
if: env.PLUGINver == 'true' && !failure() && !cancelled()
id: package_4
run: |
cd openwrt && rm -rf tmp
make defconfig && make download -j$DOWNLOAD
find dl -size -1024c -exec ls -l {} \;
find dl -size -1024c -exec rm -f {} \;
- name: 4.Compile
if: env.PLUGINver == 'true' && !failure() && !cancelled()
id: compile_4
run: |
cd openwrt
echo -e "$(nproc) thread compile"
[[ $NPROC -eq 0 ]] && make -j$(nproc) || make -j$NPROC
- name: 4.Compile failure
if: env.PLUGINver == 'true' && failure()
id: Compile_failure_4
run: |
cd openwrt && make -j1 V=99
- name : 4.Upload Vanilla BIN
if: env.PLUGINver == 'true' && !failure() && !cancelled()
uses: actions/upload-artifact@master
name: ${{ env.passwall_BIN }}
path: openwrt/bin/
if-no-files-found: warn
- name : 4.Upload factory
if: env.PLUGINver == 'true' && !failure() && !cancelled()
uses: actions/upload-artifact@master
name: ${{ env.passwall_FACTORY }}
path: openwrt/bin/targets/*/*/*squashfs-factory.bin
if-no-files-found: ignore
- name : 4.Upload sysupgrade
if: env.PLUGINver == 'true' && !failure() && !cancelled()
uses: actions/upload-artifact@master
name: ${{ env.passwall_SYSUPGRADE }}
path: openwrt/bin/targets/*/*/*squashfs-sysupgrade.bin
if-no-files-found: ignore
- name: 4.tar
if: env.PLUGINver == 'true' && !failure() && !cancelled()
run: |
tar zcvf RELEASE/$passwall_BIN.tar.gz --exclude=openwrt/bin/targets/*/*/*squashfs-factory.bin --exclude=openwrt/bin/targets/*/*/*squashfs-sysupgrade.bin openwrt/bin/ || echo "$NAME is no directory BIN"
tar zcvf RELEASE/$passwall_FACTORY.tar.gz openwrt/bin/targets/*/*/*squashfs-factory.bin || echo "$NAME is no factory.bin"
tar zcvf RELEASE/$passwall_SYSUPGRADE.tar.gz openwrt/bin/targets/*/*/*squashfs-sysupgrade.bin || echo "ERROR: $NAME is no sysupgrade"
- name: 5.108M openclash
if: env.PLUGINver == 'true' && !failure() && !cancelled()
run: |
rm -rf openwrt/bin openwrt/.config
cp config/$CONFIG_FILE openwrt/
cd openwrt && mv $CONFIG_FILE .config
echo "修改前"
cat .config
- name: 5.修改后config
if: env.PLUGINver == 'true' && !failure() && !cancelled()
run: |
cd openwrt
./ ttyd filetransfer openclash
cat .config
- name: 5.Download package
if: env.PLUGINver == 'true' && !failure() && !cancelled()
id: package_5
run: |
cd openwrt && rm -rf tmp
make defconfig && make download -j$DOWNLOAD
find dl -size -1024c -exec ls -l {} \;
find dl -size -1024c -exec rm -f {} \;
- name: 5.Compile
if: env.PLUGINver == 'true' && !failure() && !cancelled()
id: compile_5
run: |
cd openwrt
echo -e "$(nproc) thread compile"
[[ $NPROC -eq 0 ]] && make -j$(nproc) || make -j$NPROC
- name: 5.Compile failure
if: env.PLUGINver == 'true' && failure()
id: Compile_failure_5
run: |
cd openwrt && make -j1 V=99
- name : 5.Upload Vanilla BIN
if: env.PLUGINver == 'true' && !failure() && !cancelled()
uses: actions/upload-artifact@master
name: ${{ env.openclash_BIN }}
path: openwrt/bin/
if-no-files-found: warn
- name : 5.Upload factory
if: env.PLUGINver == 'true' && !failure() && !cancelled()
uses: actions/upload-artifact@master
name: ${{ env.openclash_FACTORY }}
path: openwrt/bin/targets/*/*/*squashfs-factory.bin
if-no-files-found: ignore
- name : 5.Upload sysupgrade
if: env.PLUGINver == 'true' && !failure() && !cancelled()
uses: actions/upload-artifact@master
name: ${{ env.openclash_SYSUPGRADE }}
path: openwrt/bin/targets/*/*/*squashfs-sysupgrade.bin
if-no-files-found: ignore
- name: 5.tar
if: env.PLUGINver == 'true' && !failure() && !cancelled()
run: |
tar zcvf RELEASE/$openclash_BIN.tar.gz --exclude=openwrt/bin/targets/*/*/*squashfs-factory.bin --exclude=openwrt/bin/targets/*/*/*squashfs-sysupgrade.bin openwrt/bin/ || echo "$NAME is no directory BIN"
tar zcvf RELEASE/$openclash_FACTORY.tar.gz openwrt/bin/targets/*/*/*squashfs-factory.bin || echo "$NAME is no factory.bin"
tar zcvf RELEASE/$openclash_SYSUPGRADE.tar.gz openwrt/bin/targets/*/*/*squashfs-sysupgrade.bin || echo "ERROR: $NAME is no sysupgrade"
- name: 6.108M openclash ssrplus passwall
if: env.PLUGINver == 'true' && !failure() && !cancelled()
run: |
rm -rf openwrt/bin openwrt/.config
cp config/$CONFIG_FILE openwrt/
cd openwrt && mv $CONFIG_FILE .config
echo "修改前"
cat .config
- name: 6.修改后config
if: env.PLUGINver == 'true' && !failure() && !cancelled()
run: |
cd openwrt
./ ttyd filetransfer openclash ssr-plus passwall
cat .config
- name: 6.Download package
if: env.PLUGINver == 'true' && !failure() && !cancelled()
id: package_6
run: |
cd openwrt && rm -rf tmp
make defconfig && make download -j$DOWNLOAD
find dl -size -1024c -exec ls -l {} \;
find dl -size -1024c -exec rm -f {} \;
- name: 6.Compile
if: env.PLUGINver == 'true' && !failure() && !cancelled()
id: compile_6
run: |
cd openwrt
echo -e "$(nproc) thread compile"
[[ $NPROC -eq 0 ]] && make -j$(nproc) || make -j$NPROC
- name: 6.Compile failure
if: env.PLUGINver == 'true' && failure()
id: Compile_failure_6
run: |
cd openwrt && make -j1 V=99
- name : 6.Upload Vanilla BIN
if: env.PLUGINver == 'true' && !failure() && !cancelled()
uses: actions/upload-artifact@master
name: ${{ env.openclash_ssrplus_passwall_BIN }}
path: openwrt/bin/
if-no-files-found: warn
- name : 6.Upload factory
if: env.PLUGINver == 'true' && !failure() && !cancelled()
uses: actions/upload-artifact@master
name: ${{ env.openclash_ssrplus_passwall_FACTORY }}
path: openwrt/bin/targets/*/*/*squashfs-factory.bin
if-no-files-found: ignore
- name : 6.Upload sysupgrade
if: env.PLUGINver == 'true' && !failure() && !cancelled()
uses: actions/upload-artifact@master
name: ${{ env.openclash_ssrplus_passwall_SYSUPGRADE }}
path: openwrt/bin/targets/*/*/*squashfs-sysupgrade.bin
if-no-files-found: ignore
- name: 6.tar
if: env.PLUGINver == 'true' && !failure() && !cancelled()
run: |
tar zcvf RELEASE/$openclash_ssrplus_passwall_BIN.tar.gz --exclude=openwrt/bin/targets/*/*/*squashfs-factory.bin --exclude=openwrt/bin/targets/*/*/*squashfs-sysupgrade.bin openwrt/bin/ || echo "$NAME is no directory BIN"
tar zcvf RELEASE/$openclash_ssrplus_passwall_FACTORY.tar.gz openwrt/bin/targets/*/*/*squashfs-factory.bin || echo "$NAME is no factory.bin"
tar zcvf RELEASE/$openclash_ssrplus_passwall_SYSUPGRADE.tar.gz openwrt/bin/targets/*/*/*squashfs-sysupgrade.bin || echo "ERROR: $NAME is no sysupgrade"
- name: 0.OneDrive Try
id: UPload1
if: env.OneDrive == 'true' && !failure() && !cancelled()
run: |
while true;do up_status=`cat /onedrive5g/log/log.txt` || up_status=1
if [[ $up_status != 0 ]];then echo "log is not 0, The OneDrive is being used " ; echo 'sleep 2m...' ; sleep 2m; times=$(($times+1))
if [[ $times -ge 10 ]];then echo "超过30分钟" ; echo "0" > /onedrive5g/log/log.txt ; fi
else echo "up_status = $up_status"; echo "1" > /onedrive5g/log/log.txt ; break ; fi ; done
echo "::set-output name=status::success"
- name: 0.UPload1 start OneDrive
id: UPload1_start
if: env.OneDrive == 'true' && steps.UPload1.outputs.status == 'success' && !failure() && !cancelled()
run: |
logname=$(date +"%Y.%m.%d_%H.%M")
cp /onedrive5g/log/360T7_backup.log .
rclone copy -P --transfers=4 --ignore-errors --log-file=new.log -v RELEASE/ one:360T7/ && echo '上传成功'
cat new.log 360T7_backup.log > /onedrive5g/log/360T7_backup.log
up_status=`cat /onedrive5g/log/log.txt`
echo "up_status: $up_status"
echo "0" > /onedrive5g/log/log.txt
echo "up_status: $up_status"
- name: 0.UPload Over
if: env.OneDrive == 'true' && steps.UPload1_start.outputs.status == 'success' && failure()
run: |
echo "0" > /onedrive5g/log/log.txt
up_status=`cat /onedrive5g/log/log.txt`
echo "up_status: $up_status"
- name: 1.Generate release tag1 latest
if: env.Release == 'true' && !failure() && !cancelled()
id: tag1
run: |
echo "::set-output name=release_tag1::latest"
touch release.txt
echo "🔗 [Cowtransfer] " >> release.txt
echo "::set-output name=status::success"
- name: 1.Upload firmware to release
uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v1
if: steps.tag1.outputs.status == 'success' && !cancelled() && env.Release == 'true'
tag_name: ${{ steps.tag1.outputs.release_tag1 }}
body_path: release.txt
files: |
- name: 2.LZY Environment
id: LZY_start
if: env.LanzhouYun == 'true' && !failure() && !cancelled()
run: |
git clone && cd LanZouCloud-API
sudo pip install -U pip
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
sudo python3 install
sudo apt install rename
export RELEASE_dir=`pwd`
echo "RELEASE_dir=$RELEASE_dir" >> $GITHUB_ENV
rename "s/openclash/猫/" *
rename "s/ssrplus/师夷/" *
rename "s/passwall/pa斯沃/" *
rename "s/-360T7//" *
sudo mv *BIN.tar.gz /tmp/
echo "::set-output name=status::success"
- name: 2.UPload LanzhouYun
id: LZY_UPload
if: env.LanzhouYun == 'true' && !failure() && !cancelled()
run: |
while true;do LZYstatus=`cat /onedrive5g/log/Lanzhou_log.txt` || echo "LZYstatus 获取失败"
if [[ $LZYstatus == 0 ]];then echo "LZY 暂未被开启" && echo "LZYstatus: $LZYstatus" ; LZYstatus=$(($LZYstatus+1)) ; echo $LZYstatus > /onedrive5g/log/Lanzhou_log.txt
python3 python/ ${{ secrets.LZ_YLOGIN }} ${{ secrets.LZ_PHPDISK }} \
'HISTORY' 'latest' $RELEASE_dir 0
LZYstatus=$(($LZYstatus+1)) ; echo $LZYstatus > /onedrive5g/log/Lanzhou_log.txt ;
elif [[ $(($LZYstatus%2)) == 0 ]];then echo "LZY 已开启,直接上传" && echo "LZYstatus: $LZYstatus" ; LZYstatus=$(($LZYstatus+1)) ; echo $LZYstatus > /onedrive5g/log/Lanzhou_log.txt ;
python3 python/ ${{ secrets.LZ_YLOGIN }} ${{ secrets.LZ_PHPDISK }} \
'HISTORY' 'latest' $RELEASE_dir 1
LZYstatus=$(($LZYstatus+1)) ;
if [[ $LZYstatus == 6 ]];then echo 0 > /onedrive5g/log/Lanzhou_log.txt && echo -e "LZYstatus:$LZYstatus 成功初始化\nLanzhou_log=0" ; else echo $LZYstatus > /onedrive5g/log/Lanzhou_log.txt ; fi
elif [[ $(($LZYstatus%2)) == 1 ]];then echo "LZY is being used " && echo "LZYstatus: $LZYstatus" ; echo 'sleep 20s...' ; sleep 20s ; times=$(($times+1))
if [[ $times -ge 20 ]];then echo "超时 400s" ; LZYstatus=$(($LZYstatus+1)) ; echo $LZYstatus > /onedrive5g/log/Lanzhou_log.txt ; fi
else echo "LZYstatus 获取失败" ; echo "sleep 20s" ; sleep 20s
fi ; done
export LZYstatus=$LZYstatus
echo "LZYstatus=$LZYstatus" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "::set-output name=status::success"
- name: 2.蓝奏云同步成功
if: env.LanzhouYun == 'true' && steps.LZY_UPload.outputs.status == 'success'
run: |
echo "蓝奏云同步成功"
- name: 2.LanzhouYun failer
if: env.LanzhouYun == 'true' && steps.LZY_start.outputs.status == 'success' && failure()
run: |
if [ $LZYstatus -ge 4 ];then echo 0 > /onedrive5g/log/Lanzhou_log.txt ;
elif [[ $(($LZYstatus%2)) == 1 ]];then LZYstatus=$(($LZYstatus+1)) ; echo $LZYstatus > /onedrive5g/log/Lanzhou_log.txt ;
else echo "LZYstatus:$LZYstatus 正常退出" ; fi