____ ___ ____ _ _ ____ ________ ___
| _ \_ _/ ___| / \ | | / ___| |__ ( _ ) / _ \
| |_) | | | / _ \ | | | | _____ / // _ \| | | |
| __/| | |___ / ___ \| |__| |__|_____/ /| (_) | |_| |
|_| |___\____/_/ \_\_____\____| /____\___/ \___/
A calculator that yields an arbitrary number of digits of the number PI.
Any Z80-based computer/emulator. Details of memory allocation and stack positioning must be adjusted for the specifics of the target. In addition, INT 08h is used as a function call to print character over TTY (Reg A = character), which implementation has to be adjusted to the target.
Bas Wijnen <[email protected]>'s z80asm
Other compilers/assemblers may require minor changes in the source code.
The desired amount of PI digits is defined in the macro NUM_DECS. Default value is 100. Note that incrementing this value will increase RAM usage proportionally, and the needed CPU cycles quadratically. Don't change the other algorithm constants unless you really know what you are doing.
The algorithm was validated for 1,000 digits of PI, all of them checked against the generally known published digits. For an actual Z80, yielding this number of digits may prove to be a daunting task, especially because of the gigantic number of CPU cycles needed (RAM is a lesser problem in this regard). 100 digits is way more practical amount, unless you have A LOT of time to spare.
The main loop iteracts as many times as needed to calculate all the decimal places requested (the number of iterations / number of digits have a ratio close to 0.9). With each iteration the message 'TOTAL:' is printed along the PI approximation calculated so far.
1.0 - 2024-MAY-27
Milton Maldonado Jr (ARM_Coder)
This code is supplied 'as is' with no warranty against bugs. It was tested on a Z80 simulator that I wrote (haha), so it was not tested against any actual, validated target.
Along the ASM source, you will see some commented 'C' statemens. The project was initially built and tested in C, and then hand-translated to Z80 ASM.
I hope this is my last ASM project ever. Writing code in ASM is a real PITA, but this project was a challenge I've set for me.
This project implements the Bailey-Borwein-Plouffe method of calculating PI. This method is much, much faster that the classic Leibniz series. The funny thing is that the method was discovered (invented?) in 1995, when the Z80 had already passed its heyday and was fading into a niche, retro platform.