v25.01 Public Major Release
Add KleidiAI as third_party module
Add NHWC FP16 kernels in CpuDirectConv
Add support of all non-quantized data types for NEScatter
Implement NEScatter for FP32 for all size configurations for Add/Sub/Min/Max/Update
Add option to print time used by each iteration in the validation suite
Support multi ISA build for macOS
Performance regression in NEDeconvolutionLayer
Performance regression in NEConvolutionLayer
Usages of dynamic shapes in the library
Use separate build flags for C and C++ for CMake
Compiler error with gcc14 in 3rd party header stb_image
Werror=noexcept compilation issue in NEScatter
Unused tolerance_f16 in non-F16 builds
SegFault in SME Softmax Int8 tests
Disable pre-commit copyright validation for outside contributions
SME2 interleaved s8 x s8 = f32 kernel mismatches
Invalidate Bf16 Softmax when FEAT_SVE is not present and fix the tests
Illegal instruction caused by SVE instruction outside streaming mode
SME Winograd output transform 4x4_3x3 kernel
Misspell in SConstruct:301: 'estate' to 'arch'
Removed deprecated NCHW kernels from CpuDirectConv2d
Check pre-commit copyright, Android.bp and formatting separately
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