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Log Format

Sebastian Kapp edited this page Feb 25, 2021 · 2 revisions

Export Location

The log files are written either to the documents folder when running on the HoloLens 2 or in the persistentDataPath as provided by Unity. Which folder is used can be configured in the data logger.

The documents folder on the HoloLens is accessible over USB. The app data folder as well as the documents folder is accessible over the network using the file explorer in the Windows Device Portal.

Gaze Data

The gaze data is written into a comma separated csv file with the following columns:

Data column Description
Time data
eyeDataTimestamp Unix timestamp of the gaze data (in ms)
eyeDataRelativeTimestamp Relative timestamp of the gaze data (in ms, 100 ns precision)
frameTimestamp Unix timestamp of the frame in which the data was processed (in ms)
Gaze data
isCalibrationValid Flag if the calibration of the wearer is valid
gazeHasValue Flag if valid gaze data exists (origin/direction)
gazeOrigin_(x/y/z) Gaze origin in the global coordinate system
gazeDirection_(x/y/z) Gaze direction in the global coordinate system
gazePointHit Flag if the raycast hit an object and a gaze position exists
gazePoint_(x/y/z) Position of the gaze point in the global coordinate system
gazePoint_target_name Name of the game object hit by the gaze ray
gazePoint_target_(x/y/z) Position of the gaze point in the local coordinate system of the hit object
gazePoint_target_(pos/rot/scale)_(x/y/z) Position, rotation and scale of the game object hit by the gaze ray
gazePoint(Left/Right/Mono)Screen_(x,y,z) Position of the gaze point on the left, right and virtual mono display
gazePointWebcam_(x,y,z) Position of the gaze point on the webcam image
AOI data
gazePointAOIHit Flag if the gaze ray hit an AOI
gazePointAOI_(x/y/z) Position of the gaze point on the AOI in global coordinates
gazePointAOI_target_name Name of the game object representing the AOI
gazePointAOI_target_(x/y/z) Position of the gaze point in the local coordinate system of the AOI
gazePointAOI_target_(pos/rot/scale)_(x/y/z) Position, rotation and scale of the game object hit by the AOI ray
gazePointAOIWebcam_(x,y,z) Position of the gaze point on the AOI on the webcam image
Additional information
gameObject_objectName_(pos/rot/scale)_(x/y/z) Position, rotation and scale of selected game objects
info Info string of a logged event


Additional information about the recording is additionally save into a JSON formatted file with the same filename as the gaze data log.

Key Value
participantName Name of the participant
recordingName Name of the recording
startTime Time at the start of the recording
stopTime Time at the end of the recording
recordingDuration Duration of the recording
positionLoggedGameObjectNames Names of the game objects for which the position was logged during recording (configured in the data provider)
infoLogs List of information which was logged during recording, either from the application or manually using the control interface.
Data Format: [Readable timestamp, Unix timestamp] log string
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