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Reduce Noise

Sebastian Kapp edited this page Feb 25, 2021 · 1 revision

noise_reduction R Documentation

Reduce Noise


This function reduces noise in the eye tracking data by applying the specified method (usually either median or mean) over the specified window


noise_reduction(data, method = median, window_size = 3)


data Data frame of the eye tracking data we want to process method function which is given the current data window and returns the denoised value (usually either median or mean) window_size Number of data points over which we want to apply the noise reduction


Input data frame columns


: X coordinates of the gaze origin


: Y coordinates of the gaze origin


: Z coordinates of the gaze origin


: X coordinates of the gaze direction


: Y coordinates of the gaze direction


: Z coordinates of the gaze direction


: X coordinates of the gaze point


: Y coordinates of the gaze point


: Z coordinates of the gaze point


This is an implementation of the noise reduction function as documented in the Tobii Pro I-VT fixation filter. It goes through all gaze points and replaces each data point by the result of the specified method (in case of Tobii either median or mean) over all data points in a window centered around the data point currently being replaced.

As the eye tracking rate of the HoloLens 2 is 30 Hz, a noise reduction over 3 samples would result in a window size of 1/30Hz = 100ms. With the typical fixation duration around 200ms this would result in a window not much smaller than the fixation duration and risk significantly influencing the data negatively. Therefore it should not be used by default.


The modified input data frame with the noise reduction applied and an additional column modified which indicates if the line was modified