Extend your graphical might with some of the greatest image formats available
Would you like to support high screen resolutions without bloating up your app/game with duplicate images of varying sizes?
Would you like to play short animations on loop like GIFs or animated stickers?
Is the nanosvg plugin too inaccurate/slow/minimal?
Are the standard image formats supported by Solar2D too antiquated for you?
Fear not, for the solution to your woes is finally at hand.
- Load and manipulate vector graphics with extensive support for the SVG1.1 and much of the SVG2.0 spec
- Load and play animated WEBP images
- Load and display images of the QOI format
- Load static and scalable images as masking textures
- Modify and re-render scalable graphics in real-time
- Much better SVG support and rendering output than the competition
- Load images from disk or memory
- Supports SVG / SVGZ, WEBP, QOI, PNG & JPEG image formats
Refer to example project and API documentation in the Corona/
- QOI by @phoboslab
- resvg by @RazrFalcon
- stb_image by @nothings
- libwebp by the webmproject
- Current logo by
- If you love this plugin and are willing to make a logo to spruce up this readme, I will credit you however you like (as long as it's reasonable) above
- If you own a macOS device and are comfortable wrangling Rust (to build resvg), I'd appreciate your assistance with building the plugin for macOS and iOS and will credit you however you like (as long as it's reasonable) above