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"Sauce Labs Storage Action" is a GitHub Action for easy Sauce Labs Storage interactions. It supports uploading and retrieving mobile app files (.apk or .ipa), streamlining CI/CD pipelines and mobile testing workflows with Sauce Labs' cloud services.

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Sauce Labs Storage Github Action

GitHub Actions to deploy an app (.apk or .ipa) to Sauce Labs Storage or get a file ID from Sauce Labs Storage.

Sample usage


To upload a file to Sauce Labs Storage, you could follow the example below:

name: Build & upload to Sauce Labs Storage

on: [push]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: actions/checkout@v3

    - name: set up JDK 1.8
      uses: actions/setup-java@v1
        java-version: 1.8

    - name: build release 
      run: ./gradlew assembleRelease

    - name: Upload to the Amazon AppStore
      uses: ALJAZEERAPLUS/sauce-labs-storage-action@v2
        endpoint-action: upload
        upload-file-path: app/build/outputs/apk/release/app-release.apk
        sauce-labs-username: ${{ secrets.SAUCELABS_USERNAME }}
        sauce-labs-access-key: ${{ secrets.SAUCELABS_ACCESS_KEY }}

Get File Id

To get the file ID from Sauce Labs Storage, you can follow the example below:

name: Run the End-to-end Tests

on: [push]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: actions/checkout@v3

    - run: npm install

    - uses: ALJAZEERAPLUS/sauce-labs-storage-action@v1
      id: sauce-labs-file-id
        endpoint-action: get-file-id
        sauce-labs-username: ${{ secrets.SAUCELABS_USERNAME }}
        sauce-labs-access-key: ${{ secrets.SAUCELABS_ACCESS_KEY }}
        get-file-id-platform: 'android'

    - run: FILE_ID=${{ steps.sauce-labs-id.outputs.file-id }} npm run tests

⚙️ Inputs

Name Description Default Required
endpoint-action Action to perform - options are "upload" or "get-file-id". True
sauce-labs-username Username credential. True
sauce-labs-access-key Access key credential. True
sauce-labs-data-center-host-name Data Center hostname. False
upload-file-path App file path (required for upload artifact). False
upload-artifact-description App build description (required for upload artifact). False
get-file-id-platform Platform to get the file from (required for get artifact). "ios" False
get-file-id-version Version to get the file from (required for get artifact). "1.0.0" False
get-file-id-build Build number to get the file from (required for get artifact). 1 False
get-file-id-description Description to get the file from (required for get artifact). "Built from branch: develop." False

⚙️ Outputs

Name Description
file-id File ID uploaded or retrieved

💭 Support

If you find our work helpful but something is missing, please raise a pull request to review it!


"Sauce Labs Storage Action" is a GitHub Action for easy Sauce Labs Storage interactions. It supports uploading and retrieving mobile app files (.apk or .ipa), streamlining CI/CD pipelines and mobile testing workflows with Sauce Labs' cloud services.






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