Web interface for accessing the Raspberry Camera.
- Raspberry Pi Model B/B+ or Rapsberry Pi 2 Model B - Official site
- Raspberry Pi Camera or Raspberry Pi Camera NoIR
You can find full documentation for the Raspberry Camera here.
Camera module can be enabled from the Raspberry configuration :
$ sudo raspi-config
And enable the Camera option.
If you can't find the camera option in config list, try to update your Raspberry :
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get upgrade
I use Raspbian on my Raspberry Pi, but it should work on other distributions. Please report if you encounter a problem with others.
For accessing the camera features :
- raspistill - see Raspberry Camera documentation for more information
- raspivid - see Raspberry Camera documentation for more information
To stream camera video over rtmp
protocol :
- C++ RTMP Server (crtmp) - Official site
- ffmpeg - Official site
ATTENTION : You'll need to install ffmpeg from source to make sure libavcodec
contains H264 libraries
And eventually for the client application :
- Node.js - Download & Install Node.js
- NPM Package Manager - Download & Install NPM
Clone project repository into your_project_name
$ git clone [email protected]:AIOMedia/AIOCamera.git your_project_name
Download zip archive and extract it into your project directory.
Got into project directory :
$ cd your_project_name
Install project dependencies :
$ npm install --production
After the install process is over, you'll be able to run your application using NPM, just run npm start script:
$ npm start
Your application should run on the 3000 port so in your browser just go to http://localhost:3000
In order to be able to rebuild the application after you have made changes, you need to install the project's devDependencies
$ npm install --dev
Install client's libraries :
$ bower install
Now you can build application (e.g. publish public files, build JS & CSS) :
$ grunt build
- Express v4.10.2 - http://expressjs.com
- Socket IO - http://socket.io
- Raspicam v0.2.13 - https://github.com/troyth/node-raspicam
- jQuery
- Angular JS
- Bootstrap 3
- FontAwesome
The MIT License (MIT). See LICENSE file for more information.
- Axel Penin (Elorfin) as main author