Timingway is designed to seamlessly visualize timelines and mechanics from Google Sheets in timer format.
Simply open http://timingway.app/?url=your-sheet-here, replacing "your-sheet-here" with the sheet-id of your Google Sheets (make sure that sheet sharing permissions are set so that everyone with the url can see it!)
Google sheets urls look like this: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/sheet-id/somethingsomething. What you want is the sheet-id part.
For example, if I have a sharing link of https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1WaKmZOOsJudBZGCwdennHxKa2W36i5iqPtwBVfBQtHU/edit#gid=2120318740, my app url would be http://timingway.app/?url=1WaKmZOOsJudBZGCwdennHxKa2W36i5iqPtwBVfBQtHU.
Finally, make sure that the sheet you want Timingway to read from is called App. By default, Google Sheets names the first sheet you create Sheet1; be sure to rename it if you want Timingway to work!
You can also use this app in overlay mode! Use this url instead: http://timingway.app/?overlay=true&url=your-url-here.
If you want the app to appear as an overlay, you might need something to open a browser window as a transparent overlay. I recommend using the Pennywise browser (https://github.com/kamranahmedse/pennywise).
There's no reset button for the overlay mode; you need to use hotkeys.
If you are working on this project, you can use the following command to generate the JS file used in index.html:
$ make js