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NotIMDB backend

The application services for the NotIBDM project



Visual studio

  • Install visual studio
  • Install nodejs (we build against v12, but any modern version should work)
  • (optional) Copy ./src/appsettings.json ./src/appsettings.Development.json` to generate the development configuration
  • Open the solution file and click "debug" and then "Start debugging" (It runs npm install, so it will take a while)
  • Open http://localhost:5000

Dotnet core

First time run

  • Install the dotnet SDK v5
  • Install nodejs (we build against v12, but any modern version should work)
  • Install make
  • Run cp ./src/appsettings.json ./src/appsettings.Development.json to generate the development configuration

Actions for updating the project

  • Run make restoreto install dependencies
  • Run make migrate to get the latest schema changes
  • Run make build to generate the frontend app (It runs npm install, so it will take a while)
  • Run make dev to start the development server and navigate to http://localhost:5000

Actions for saving changes to the db schema

  • Run cd src to use the src project
  • Run dotnet ef migrations add <YOUR_MIGRATION_NAME>

Install a new package

  • Run cd src to use the src project
  • Run dotnet add package <package_name> to add the new package

Frontend devs

  • Run npm i to install dependencies
  • Follow the backend development server instuctions
  • Run npm run dev to start the front end development server and navigate to http://localhost:3000
  • (optional) Run npm run storybook to start the storybook server and navigate to http://localhost:3003