DSA SMP Code Submission Repo 2018
This repository contains all the coursework and assignments for the summer mentorship project 2018 on Data Structures and Algorithms.
1) Fork the repository.
2) Clone the forked repository using:
git clone https://github.com/ACM-NITK/ACM-DSA-18.git
3) Change directory and create a folder with your name. Inside the folder create a text file with your details.
cd ACM-DSA-18
mkdir your-name
cd your-name
gedit intro.txt // This creates /opens a text file in the gedit editor of your linux system
Copy and paste your code submission files into the directory
4) Add and commit changes. Push it to your repository.
git add . // ' . ' is used to add all files. git add file-name adds single files
git commit -m "Your message"
git push origin master
5) Login to github and send a pull request to ACM-NITK/ACM-DSA-18 To configure upstream:
git remote add upstream https://github.com/ACM-NITK/ACM-DSA-18.git
To pull the latest changes:
git fetch upstream
git checkout master
git merge upstream/master
OR, use GUI to create a pull request from 'your' forked repository.