Releases: ABR-Hosting/OFL-AC
This update included a lot of quality of life updates. Mainly making it easier for people to code their own improvements.
The plugin can now update through reading update packages on OFL servers, a functionality only available by downloading the updater, availble on the OFL website on the download prompt.
[1.2.3] Emu
Updated file structure
Added detection for instant bomb planting
[1.2.21] Public Cheeto
Initial Bug fixes caused by 1.2.2
Turned debugging on by default (sm_ac_debug)
[1.2.2] Public Cheeto
Our Public 1.2.2 update is titled Cheeto... because why not. It includes some helpful things like debugging and adds some more checks. Even if you don't want to enable these new checks we suggest updating to this newer version due to the bug fixes and debugging which helps us if something goes wrong and helps you... if you're interested in that stuff I guess.
- If enabled, a client can be kicked for changing their clan tag too often.
- Improved 'IsValidClient' checks on mutliple modules.
- CMD Value Rate Checking
- Debugging : sm_ac_debug
[1.2.1] Public Plus
With this new anti cheat update we added integration with SourceBans++ so you can use the updated banning system to log bans onto your website. We improved our on server txt logging system and added back the ability to run hour checks.
[1.2.0] Public Pilot
First public release of the OFL anti-cheat. Some features seen in later releases are excluded as this is a base build.