Update (first/last/user) name of Telegram user every 30 seconds.
Reference documentation:Telethon
Operating environment:VPS,python3,python3-pip
Create an app:https://my.telegram.org/。Just fill in the App title and Short name. Get api_id and api_hash.
git clone https://github.com/8838/Telegram-Name-Updating.git
cd Telegram-Name-Updating
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 tg_username_update.py
Enter api_id and api_hash as prompted. Then enter the mobile phone number and verification code. If the account has enabled secondary verification, please enter the secondary verification password according to the prompts. Finally seeing It works! indicates success. The default is to update lastname to a specific mode with a certain probability every 30 seconds.
nohup python3 tg_username_update.py &