这是一个代码部分来自于开源库 camodocal 的 基于 ceres
相机类型\棋盘格类型 | 方块 | 圆形 |
Mei | ||
Pinhole | ||
Kannala-brandt |
- OpenCV 3.x
- Boost
- Ceres
- Eigen 3.x
$ cd {yourproject}
$ cmake -S . -B build
$ cmake --build build --config release -j
# 单目的帮助文档
$ ./build/monocalib --help
# 双目的帮助文档
$ ./build/stereocalib --help
$ cd {yourproject}
$ ./build/monocalib -w 9 -h 6 -s 120 -i ./data/mei/ -p img -e .bmp --camera-model Mei -v --view-results
$ ./build/monocalib -w 7 -h 7 -s 20 -i ./data/pinhole/Circle/ -p left_ -e .jpg --camera-model Pinhole -v --view-results --board-type Circle --opencv
$ ./build/stereocalib -w 6 -h 9 -s 20 -i ./data/pinhole/Square --prefix-l left --prefix-r right -e .jpg --camera-model Pinhole -v --board-type Square --view-results
$ ./build/stereocalib -w 7 -h 7 -s 20 -i ./data/pinhole/Circle --prefix-l left_ --prefix-r right_ -e .jpg --camera-model Pinhole -v --board-type Circle --view-results --opencv
Lionel Heng, Bo Li, and Marc Pollefeys, CamOdoCal: Automatic Intrinsic and
Extrinsic Calibration of a Rig with Multiple Generic Cameras and Odometry,
In Proc. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots
and Systems (IROS), 2013.