This project is no longer maintained and will not receive any further updates. If you plan to continue using it, please be aware that future security issues will not be addressed.
- This README file gives information about the eclipse setup, configuration
- and used plugins during development of the project.
To enjoy content-assist you have to add more libraries directly to your Python interpreter (the paths may vary depending to your system):
- /var/lib/python-support/python2.5/gtk-2.0
- /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/sugar
General configuration points
- See `cfg/GeospatialLearning'.doxyfile for documentation generation
Sugar has no dependency mechanism yet. So we have to ship 3rd party libraries with this project:
- shapely
- geojson
- groupthink
- owslib
The software depends on the gpsd package which grabs GPS data from a connected GPS device. Install gpsd by means of your package manager of download it from
NOTE: Some distributions provide dependencies to Python GPS bindings and some do not. Please check within your distribution if the package python-gps will be installed automatically as dependency to the gpsd package.