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MSP430 application using c++ toolchain

This project is meant to be used on a MSP-EXP430FR5994.

The goal of this project is to have an example of modern, mainstream c++ tools and features being used in a microcontroller project.

Installing Dependencies

Required Tools

Optional Tools

  • Code Composer Studio
  • VSCode
    • ms-vscode.cpptools
    • xaver.clang-format
    • twxs.cmake
    • vector-of-bool.cmake-tools
    • eamodio.gitlens
    • davidanson.vscode-markdownlint
    • ms-python.python
    • 2gua.rainbow-brackets
    • saurabh.terminal-manager
    • vscode-icons-team.vscode-icons
    • webfreak.debug
  • git
  • ninja

To allow cmake to work nicely with vscode, add this to .vscode/cmake-kits.json:

        "name": "MSP430 GCC 8.2",
        "toolchainFile": "${workspaceFolder}/toolchain.cmake"

To-Do List

  • be able to debug
    • How does ccs debugger work? How do I debug with vscode (or command line)?
  • correctly link to the c/c++ standard library
    • use standard library without blowing up the size of the executable
    • see if I can use platform-specific and optional parts of the c/c++ stl, like atomic.
    • C:\ti\ccs901\ccs\ccs_base\common\targetdb\options\MSP430FR5964_GNU.xml
  • correctly link to msp430ware library
  • try using c++ guidelines support library
  • see if clang-tidy works, look into static-analysis
  • see if I can get all this to work with the ti compiler too
  • see if I can get all this to work with the iar compiler too
  • setup cmake for (off-target) unit-testing
  • setup cmake for (on-target) unit-testing
  • setup CI
  • setup cmake for doxygen


Run C:\ti\msp430-gdbproxy-1.9\msp430-gdbproxy.exe
when I connect with gdb, I get Protocol error: Expected ACK ('+'), got 0x24 ($) and a bunch of other stuff.
($=start of packet)

let's try using these arguments: --verbose --32bitregs

C:\Users\4abus\source\repos\Blinkey_pp\build>"C:\ti\msp430-gcc-\bin\msp430-elf-gdb.exe" ".\blinky++.elf"
(gdb) target remote :2000  
(gdb) mon erase  
(gdb) load  
(gdb) continue  

If you forget the mon erase and load commands, gdb may behave abnormally. continue works by pressing ctrl+c to stop execution.

Progress: I seem to be able to debug normally with command line. My mistake was forgetting "mon erase". Typing "interrupt" in the debug console is what I want to do.

TODO NEXT WEEK: clang seems to like these arguments: target_compile_definitions(blinky++.elf PRIVATE MSP430FR5994) target_compile_options(blinky++.elf PRIVATE -arch=msp430 -mhwmult=f5series -fno-exceptions -mlarge -ggdb3 -gdwarf-4)

clang-tidy seems to kinda work so far. in terminal type cmake --build . --target tidy

Reference documents


MSP430 application using c++ toolchain







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