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What is Kerf?

Kerf is a columnar tick database for Linux/OSX/BSD/iOS/Android. It is written in C and speaks JSON and SQL.

See Kerf on TimeStored:

Contact Kevin (e.g., licensing, feature/documentation requests):

[email protected]

Whirlwind Language Guide:


         "abc" or 'abc'
          2.0 or 1e6 or 1.2E+01
          2015.03.31 or 01:23:45.877 or 2015.03.31T01:23:45.877
          [5, 6, 7, 8]
          {b:2, c:3, d:4}
         {{b:2, c:3, d:4}}

There are a few other types which we'll skip discussing for now.


Let's look at some good ways to make arrays. 'Range' comes directly from Python and accepts 1, 2, or 3 arguments:

  [0, 1, 2, 3]

range(2, 6)
  [2, 3, 4, 5]

range(0, 20, 3)
  [0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18]

'Rand' accepts 0, 1, or 2 arguments:

rand()       //FLOAT from [0,1)

rand(5)      //INT

rand(9.0)    //FLOAT

rand(4, 3.0) //4x FLOAT
  [2.44598, 2.87178, 1.14531, 0.676305]

rand(4, [11, 22]) //from a list
  [22, 11, 11, 22]

Rand may return different values for you.

Now let's look ahead:

The exponentiation operator ** comes from Ruby and Python.

range(10**6) //a big list

timing true
sum(range(10**6))  //sum first million numbers

Now back to basic arithmetic:

+ - * / ** plus minus times divide pow
        //wait, which is the operation and which is the name?
2 + 2
plus(2, 2)
        //I guess they both work
2 plus 2
        //and that works too

This is nice because parenthesized prefix notation disambiguates dyadic/binary infix operations.

        //oh, one of those guys

Then the ambiguous-appearing

0.5 * x**2 


times(1/2, x**2) 
        //well that's not so bad
        //actually, I like that better... I wonder why?

Or, emphasizing the center operation:

(divide(1, 2) * pow(x,2))

Neither of these are ambiguous. Of course, you can always fall back to parentheses:

((1 / 2) * (x**2))

Format code as if order-of-operations does not exist.

I find the "functional" notation for arithmetic also helps when the arguments are arrays or maps instead of scalars. This can cue the reader that something heavier-duty is happening.

Other common operators are present. The exclamation point '!' is not, the percent sign '%' is modulo, and so on.

not 0

-33 % 4
  3  //mathematical definition
-33 mod 4

.Math.TAU / 2


Kerf speaks JSON:


a: [[1, 2, 3], {a:"alpha", b:"bravo", c:"3pO"}, null]
match(a, eval(json_from_kerf(a)))


Assignment is ':', the colon character. It's colon and not '=' because:

  1. JSON uses : for assignment, as in {a:1}
  2. SQL uses = for comparison, as in WHERE user_id=456
  3. Kerf is a superset of both JSON and SQL.

Which looks like

a: [11, 22, 33, 44]

We could force assignment to be '=' but I don't think it improves the language.

  [5, 22, 33, 44]

Indexing into maps:

a: {b:2, c:3}
{b:2, c:3}['c']


Arrays vectorize automatically. This means CHAR, INT, FLOAT, and STAMP types are fast and efficient in lists of the same kind. Arrays also mostly keep track of when they're sorted. This means Kerf will invisibly use binary search or interpolation search if it appears advantageous.

The following notion of conformability comes from K:

Adding a single value to a longer list applies it like so: 100 + [0, 10, 20] gives [100, 110, 120]

Kerf extends this notion to work with lists of length 1 as well:

[100] + [0, 10, 20]


  [100, 110, 120]

This also works piecewise:

  [100, 110, 120] + [40, 50, 60]


    [140, 160, 180]

Conformability extends all the way down. This

[[1], [1,1,1]] + [[2], [2, 2, 2]]


  [[3], [3, 3, 3]]

Flatten? Sure

flatten [[3], [3, 3, 3]]
  [3, 3, 3, 3]

Works with maps and tables, too.

{a:2, b:20} + {a:3, b:30, c:100}
  {a:5, b:50, c:100}

Some operations yield array-wise results.

![0, 1, 0]
  [1, 0, 1]

[2, 3, 4, 4, 4] <= [3, 3, 3, 3, 3]
  [1, 1, 0, 0, 0]

Operations are optimized for vectors

timing 1
a: range(10**6)


Kerf extends JSON to include the concept of tables. Tables are created just like maps except you use double curly-braces. The names of the keys in that case are instead the names of the columns. So {{a:1, b:2}} is a table and {a:1, b:2} is a map. The convenience constructor {{a,b,c}} also creates a table. This table will have empty arrays for columns. Table columns are always arrays. If you pass something that isn't an array it will be coerced into an array.

The following are all equivalent ways to make a table:

  {{id:1, time:now(), brightness:48.6}}
is the same as 
  {{id:[1], time:[now()], brightness:[48.6]}}
is the same as 
  INSERT INTO {{id, time, brightness}} VALUES (1, now(), 48.6)       //single insert
is the same as 
  INSERT INTO {{id, time, brightness}} VALUES [[1], [now()], [48.6]] //bulk insert/append
is the same as
  INSERT INTO {{id, time, brightness}} VALUES {id:1, time:now(), brightness:48.6}   //insert map
is the same as
  INSERT INTO {{id, time, brightness}} VALUES {{id:1, time:now(), brightness:48.6}} //append table
is the same as
  INSERT INTO {{}} VALUES {id:1, time:now(), brightness:48.6} //empty tables are special
is the same as
  INSERT INTO a VALUES {id:1, time:now(), brightness:48.6}
is the same as
  {{id:id, time:time, brightness:brightness}}

They are all pretty printed [ugly in the alpha] as

[1, 2015.04.01T00:45:15.598, 48.6]

SQL inserts and updates are forms of assignment: they are always "saved". Bulk inserts are much faster than single inserts. The columns id, time, and brightness are vectorized as INT, STAMP, and FLOAT vectors respectively. The preceding tables all exist in-memory only.


You can read and write arbitrary objects, including in-memory tables, using the following functions. These are not really designed for transactional reads and writes, more like per-session reads and writes.

  write_to_path('', object);

For an on-disk table that handles transactional writes, you'll want a mapped object. Warning: currently the iOS operating system restricts virtual memory allocations to something less than 2G in size, even on devices with 64-bit pointers. So mapping very large tables will not get far around the memory limitations of the mobile device. Apple really should look into raising it: it may be a legacy restriction from some now-outdated concerns. On OS X the virtual memory limit is effectively unrestricted.

You can open tables on disk via the open_table(filepath) call. Here it is via the Objective-C API:

NSString *path = [[kerf suggestedTableDirectoryPath] stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"my.table"];
[kerf jsonObjectFromCall:@"a: open_table($1)" withArgumentArray:@[path]]
[kerf jsonObjectFromCall:@"insert into a values {{id: 4}}"]);
[kerf jsonObjectFromCall:@"a"]

Modifications to the variable cause the inserts to persist to the disk. They will be there the next time you open the table. Most variables in Kerf use reference counting or copy-on-write to ensure uniqueness. Mapped values like opened tables are different: all reference the same open item. Changes to one affect the other.


We previously saw absolute time stamps of the form

2015.04.01 or 2015.03.31T01:23:45.877

We can compare them

2015.04.02 < 2015.05.01 

We can modify them using relative times of the form 1y or 1y3d or 4h55i06s and so on. So

2015.04.01 + 1y1m1d

Or alternatively as

  2015.04.01 + 1y + 1m + 1d

And 2015.04.01 + 1h2i3s gives 2015.04.01T01:02:03.000.

now_date() + 1d


minus(now_time(), 25 * 1h)

The current list of possibilities is: ymdhis year month day hour minute second.

Note that while minus could be perfectly well defined as an operation on absolute STAMPs (for a given reduced form, it could return a relative stamp), at least for the time being in Kerf it throws a type error. This is easy to get around, do

  2015.04.07 + 1d <= 2015.04.08

instead of

  (2015.04.08 - 2015.04.07) <= 1d 

The reason you might want to avoid producing relative times is that the full range of useful relative dates and times exceeds a 64-bit width and so is not vectorized.

To extract individual parts from times, use

a: 2015.03.16T04:05:06.7890123456
a: [a, a] //optional, to see how it works in vector form

a['date']   //stamp
a['time']   //stamp
a['year']   //int


Kerf is a superset of SQL. This means Kerf speaks SQL, and you can write SQL anywhere inside of Kerf code. Let's start by building a suitable table.

n: 10**4
ids: range(1, n+1)
stamps: plus(NOW(), 1s + mapright range(n))
heartrates: 80 + rand(n, 100.0)  
labels: range(6)
lanes: take(n, join(labels, reverse labels))
running: {{id: ids, stamp: stamps, heartrate: heartrates, lane: lanes}} 

Someone is running a zigzag across a six-lane track with a random heartbeat. This is not exactly realistic data but let's go with it. We can count the number of rows in the table:

select count(*) as rows from running

And there's no reason we can't run SQL inside of JSON:

[{a:1, b: select count(*) from running}, select count(*) from running]

Let's verify the count of the table:

equal(count(running), n)

Peek at the first 3 rows:

first(3, running)
  [1, 2015.04.01T19:13:33.917, 96.4771, 0]
  [2, 2015.04.01T19:13:34.917, 107.397, 1]
  [3, 2015.04.01T19:13:35.917, 108.356, 2]

Get the bounds on the time:

select first(stamp), last(stamp) from running
  [2015.04.01T19:13:33.917, 2015.04.01T22:00:12.917]


[first(running.stamp), last(running.stamp)]
[2015.04.01T19:13:33.917, 2015.04.01T22:00:12.917]

And perform GROUP BY and WHERE queries:

select avg(heartrate) from running where heartrate > 100 group by lane
  [1, 139.192]
  [2, 140.283]
  [4, 139.772]
  [5, 140.244]
  [3, 140.167]
  [0, 138.541]

Nested subqueries:

select * from (select avg(heartrate) from running where heartrate > 100 group by lane) where heartrate = max(heartrate)
  [2, 140.283]

We can store the results of queries in other variables.

b: select max(heartrate) from running where lane = 2

And retrieve the cell value only like so:


The supported SQL WHERE comparison methods currently are:

  < > = <= >= == != <> 

The supported SQL GROUP BY aggregation methods currently are:

  min max sum count first last avg std var

Kerf can use our nicely sorted ID range to perform fast lookups even without an index. Table traits are undocumented at this point.


There are two advanced types which we can use for specialized columns:

              enum ['red', 'blue', 'red']  or hash ['red', 'blue', 'red']
              index [1, 2, 3]

Both are variations on ARRAYs or VECTORs. An enum is like a "local" string interning object. It keeps only one reference to each object and stores appearances as fixed-width indices. It is useful for storing repetitions of strings and lists, which cannot otherwise efficiently be stored as vectors. In all other respects an enum appears to be an array.

An index is like an array except with an attached b-tree. This can make lookups and range queries more efficient. (The storage format of the index will be breaking after the alpha.) Don't use an index for data you can guarantee will always be sorted ascending, such as autoincrementing primary keys: Kerf will track sorted arrays and doesn't need a special index.

Lambdas are also a type which can be stored.

There is another hypothetical advanced type called an ATLAS, which is the schemaless NoSQL equivalent of a table. Atlases are automatically indexed in such a way that all key-queries are indexed.


Kerf instances are designed to be networked. The data structures serialize directly without any intermediate conversion.

To start a Kerf server on port 1234 execute the command:

./kerf -p 1234

You can communicate with this instance either via a Kerf client or via the Kerf SDK/API from another program (e.g., Python or Java or Objective-C).

A client can be a plain old Kerf instance:


In the client paste each of the lines individually:

socket: open_socket("localhost","1234")

send_async(socket, "table: {{sym:hash[], time:[], price:[]}}")

do(100) {send_async(socket, "insert into table values {sym:$1, time:$2, price:$3}", [rand(["AAPL","MSFT","IBM"]), now(),  20.0 + rand(10.0) ])}

Then in the server execute:



select avg(price) from table group by sym

Then in the client execute


Currently IPC requires the user to store the socket handle. Probably what will happen is we will remove this and have all IPC calls use the server and port. It would be simple for Kerf to manage a hashtable of hosts and ports pointing to socket handles, and to keep or refresh them as necessary, and so we should probably do that.


Control flow is designed to be as generic as possible. You probably don't need it yet, but Kerf uses:

if(b){x} else if(c){y} else{z} 
def myfunc(arg1, arg2) {x}
function myfunc(arg1, arg2) {x}

All portions must be properly (parenthesized) and {curly-braced}: no skipping. Lambdas are: {[arg1, arg2] arg1+arg2}. Lambda function recursion is self or this. Early return is return, otherwise return the final eval. Note: ending the final eval with a semicolon causes null to be returned. Commas , and semicolons ; are usually interchangeable. Comments are //.


The following are all functions or reserved words that work and you can try. You can grab the full list of reserved symbols from inside Kerf by calling the "reserved()" method. Currently, the full list in the alpha is:

inf nan nil null root true false select update insert upsert delete from
group where order limit values not hash distinct part car transpose negate
eval reverse ident ascend index descend which enumerate floor len atom join
mod mins times plus minus alter divide less equals greater rand take drop
maxes match lesseq greatereq equal noteq exp unique count first last avg
std var min max sum enlist or and explode add subtract negative string
flatten hashed enum btree indexed key primary nonnull unique global globals
range repeat tolower toupper pow abs ceil sqrt ln log lg sin cos tan asin
acos atan sinh cosh tanh timing now now_date now_time kerf_from_json
json_from_kerf reserved sleep open_table read_from_path write_to_path fold
refold mapdown mapright mapleft mapback reduce rereduce converge reconverge
self this def function if do while for else return 

These all work, with a few exceptions, but are mostly not yet documented.


Examples for average, standard deviation, and variance (avg, std, var).

a: [12, 2.4, 8]   //assign an array to 'a' using JSON notation
a: range(6)       //integers [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
a: rand(8, 100.0) //eight random floats from the interval [0.0, 100.0)

REPL or API (Cheating):

REPL or API (Simplified):
  (sum a)/count a              
  sqrt var a                   
  (sum (a - avg a)**2)/count a 

REPL or API (Traditional):
  sum((a - avg(a))**2)/count(a)

API Argument Passing, each with 1 argument (Traditional):
  sum(($1 - avg($1))**2)/count($1)

Function Definition (Traditional):
  def my_func_avg(a) {sum(a)/count(a)}
  def my_func_std(a) {sqrt(var(a))}
  def my_func_var(a) {sum((a - avg(a))**2)/count(a)}

Lambdas (Traditional):
  {[a] sum(a)/count(a)}
  {[a] sqrt(var(a))}
  {[a] sum((a - avg(a))**2)/count(a)}

REPL or API (Variant Takes)
  (plus fold a)/len(a)
  sum((a minus avg(a)) pow 2) divide count(a)
  pow(std a, 2) 


Kerf is written in C. Kerf is a superset of both JSON and SQL. Kerf compiles to Kerf bytecode. Memory management is automatic and invisible to the user. Internally, Kerf uses reference counting. Kerf does not garbage collect. Kerf uses copy-on-write. Kerf uses a memory pool, so warmed operations are faster. Kerf does not expose pointers. It does not use globally interned strings. Certain objects will intern strings locally. Kerf data structures use optimized hash tables and b-trees. All Kerf objects serialize automatically and use the same [decompressed] representation in-memory, on-disk, and over the network. By default the PRNG is initialized with a nondeterministic seed. By default times are UTC.


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