Plugins for Nagios monitoring framework (and compatibles)
This is my collection of check plug-ins written for the Nagios monitoring package. ( They should work with Nagios-compatible moitoring software as well (Icinga, Shinken, Naemon, etc.) but I have not and probably will not test against anything but Nagios 4.x.
These plugins should run on most Linux or Mac OSX systems that provide at least:
- perl 5.10
- (from Nagios package)
- Net::SNMP perl module
The Sensaphone IMS-4000 is a standalone environment monitoring server. While the IMS-4000 is capable of monitoring and alerting all on its own, this plugin allows Nagios to pull data from sensors attached to an IMS-4000 so you can add the extended graphing and alerting capbilities of Nagios to your IMS-4000.
Checks integrated temperature probe on an APC networked Smart UPS or Symmetra (and possibly others). Auto-detects temperature system.
Checks estimated runtime on an APC networked Smart UPS, Symmetra, etc. Runtime is reported in minutes. Provides perfdata for graphing.
Checks the replication status of a MySQL slave.
Check the data and zones served by a DNS server against known-good values.