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cakephp-utils plugin for CakePHP

This plugin is full of handly stuff


You can install this plugin into your CakePHP application using composer.

The recommended way to install composer packages is:

composer require 3xw/cakephp-utils

In src/Application.php

use Cake\Http\BaseApplication;

class Application extends BaseApplication {


  public function bootstrap()
    this->addPlugin('Trois/Utils', ['routes' => true]);



  • Sluggable Behavior
  • Translate Behavior


  • IsUniqueTranslationRule



namespace App\Model\Table
use Trois\Utils\ORM\Traits\MinMaxAssocationTrait;

class SubscriptionsTable extends Table
	use MinMaxAssocationTrait;

	public function initialize(array $config)

		// custom Association
    	$this->belongsToMinMax('MinPeriodes', [
      'type' => 'MIN',
      'field' => 'date',
      'className' => 'Periodes',
      'foreignKey' => 'subscription_id',
      'targetForeignKey' => 'periode_id',
      'joinTable' => 'subscriptions_periodes',
      'joinType' => 'LEFT'
			'joinAlias' => 'SP', // extra stuff: define yourself join alias
      'joinExtraConditions' => ['SP.was_present' => true] // extra stuff: add conditions on join clause

// OR
namespace App\Model\Table
use Trois\Utils\ORM\Traits\MinMaxAssocationTrait;

class LessonsTable extends Table
	use MinMaxAssocationTrait;

	public function initialize(array $config)

		// custom Association
    	$this->hasOneMinMax('MinPeriode', [
      'type' => 'MIN',
      'field' => 'date',
      'className' => 'Periodes',
      'foreignKey' => 'lesson_id',
      'joinType' => 'LEFT'


  • MissingTranslations
  • Token


tu_miss_i18n $model, ...$locales


ut_token username


  • LngSwitchCell


GUARD Component

This component allows you to check constructed request object and clean it if needed...

in your src/Controller/AppController.php add following:

public function initialize()


    // Auth
    $this->loadComponent('Auth', [...]);

    // Guard
      'autoload_configs' => [
        'Guard.requestBody' => 'guard_request_body'


in config/guard_request_body.php

	use Cake\Http\ServerRequest;

	return [
	  'Guard.requestBody' => [
	      'role' => '*',
	      'prefix' => 'Book',
	      'controller' => ['Users','Subscriptions'],
	      'action' => ['register','registerAndBook'],
	      'method' => ['POST','PUT'],
	      'rule' => function($user, $role, ServerRequest $request)
	        // magic here... manipulate request here

CORS Middleware

in your src/Application.php add following:

use Trois\Utils\Middleware\CorsMiddleware;
public function middleware($middlewareQueue)
	->add(new CorsMiddleware::class)

	/* -- OR  -- */
	->add(new CorsMiddleware([

		// thoses are default options
	    'all' => [
	      'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' => '*',
	      'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials' => 'true',
	      'Access-Control-Expose-Headers' => 'X-Token',
	      'Access-Control-Max-Age' => '86400'
	    'options' => [
	      'methods' => 'GET, POST, OPTIONS, PUT, DELETE'



Auth tools

Config example:


Configure::load('auth', 'default');


$this->loadComponent('Auth', Configure::read('Auth.V2'));


use Cake\Core\Configure;

return [
  'Auth.V2' => [

    'loginAction' => false,
    'unauthorizedRedirect' => false,
    'checkAuthIn' => 'Controller.initialize' ,

    // Authenticate
    'authenticate' => [

      // map role
      'all' => ['finder' => 'Auth'],

      // Legacy X-API-TOKEN header token
      'Trois/Utils.LegacyToken' => [
        'key' => Configure::read('Legacy.key'),
        'salt' => Configure::read('Legacy.salt')

      // with Bearer JWT token
      'Trois\Utils\Auth\JwtBearerAuthenticate' => [
        'duration' => 3600

      // Basic username + pass
      'Trois\Utils\Auth\BasicToJwtBearerAuthenticate' => [
        'fields' => ['username' => 'username'],
        'passwordHasher' => 'Trois\Utils\Auth\LegacyPasswordHasher',

    // Cache Storage Engine
    'storage' => [
      'className' => 'Trois\Utils\Auth\Storage\CacheStorage',
      'cache' => 'token'

    // Authorize
    'authorize' => [
      'CakeDC/Auth.SimpleRbac' => [
        'autoload_config' => 'permissions',

Two factor Auth

set up Auth:

  'Trois\Utils\Auth\TwoFactorAuthenticate' => [
    'userModel' => 'ExtranetUsers',
    'passwordHasher' => 'App\Auth\NoHasher',
    'fields' => [
      'username' => 'CLIENT_ID',
      'password' => 'Password'
    'transmitter' => [
      'class' => '\Trois\Utils\Auth\TwoFactor\EmailCodeTransmitter', // any child of Trois\Utils\Auth\TwoFactor\AbstractCodeTransmitter
      'config' => [
        'messages' => [
          'success' => 'Un email avec un code vous a été envoyé',
          'error' => 'L\'application n\'a pas pu vous envoyer de mail. Veuillez essayer à nouveau.'
        'email' => [
          'field' => 'Email',
          'profile' => 'default',
          'from' => ['info@xxx' => 'Site xxx'],
          'subject' => 'Votre code personnel',
          'emailFormat' => 'both',
          'template' => 'Trois/Utils.default',
          'layout' => 'default',
    'verifyAction' => [
      'prefix' => 'extranet',
      'controller' => 'ExtranetUsers',
      'action' => 'verify',
      'plugin' => false


cache settings

in config folder create a cache.php file with as exemple:

return [
	'Trois.cache.settings' => [
		'default' => 'default', // default cache config to use if not set in rules...
	'Trois.cache.rules' => [

		// cache request
		  'cache' => 'html', // default: 'default', can be a fct($request)
		  'skip' => false, // default: false, can be a fct($request)
		  'clear' => false, // default: false, can be a fct($request)
		  'compress' => true, // default: false, can be a fct($request)
		  //'key' => 'whatEver',// default is fct($request) => return $request->here()
		  'method' => ['GET'],
		  'code' => '200', // must be set or '*' !!!!!
		  'prefix' => '*',
		  'plugin' => '*',
		  'controller' => '*',
		  'action' => '*',
		  'extension' => '*'

		// clear request
		  'cache' => 'html', // default: 'default'
		  'skip' => false, // default: false
		  'clear' => true, // default: false,
		  'key' => '*', // * => Cache::clear(false, cache) (Will clear all keys), 'whatEver' => Cache::delete('whatEver', cache), null => Cache::delete($request->here(), cache)
		  'method' => ['POST','PUT','DELETE'],
		  'code' => ['200','201','202'],
		  'prefix' => '*',
		  'plugin' => '*',
		  'controller' => ['Users','Pages'],
		  'action' => '*',
		  'extension' => '*'

Cache as your last middleware

in your src/Application.php file add the middleware as last chain block. This will create or delete view renders as cache ( html/json /etc...)

namespace App;
use Trois\Utils\Middleware\ResponseCacheMiddleware;

class Application extends BaseApplication
    public function middleware($middleware)
            // Apply Response caching

        return $middleware;

Retrieve cache via ActionCacheComponent

in your AppController load the component AFTER Auth!!


Retrieve cache via Nginx

First install nginx redis extension. Then set your cache config to store in redis. You can use my plugin...

composer require awallef/cakephp-redis

Configure the engine in app.php like follow:

'Cache' => [
	'redis' => [
		'className' => 'Trois/Utils.Redis',
		'prefix' => '',
		'duration' => '+24 hours',
		'serialize' => true

Configure cache.php like follow:

return [
		'Trois.cache.settings' => [
			'default' => 'redis', // default cache config to use if not set in rules...
	'Trois.cache.rules' => [

		// cache request
			'skip' => false, // default: false, can be a fct($request)
			'clear' => false, // default: false, can be a fct($request)
			'compress' => true, // default: false, can be a fct($request)
			//'key' => 'whatEver',// default is fct($request) => return $request->here()
			'method' => ['GET'],
			'code' => '200', // must be set or '*' !!!!!
			'prefix' => '*',
			'plugin' => '*',
			'controller' => '*',
			'action' => '*',
			'extension' => '*'

		// clear request
	      'clear' => true,
	      'key' => '*',
	      'method' => ['POST','PUT','DELETE'],
		  'code' => ['200','201','202','302'], // 302 is often triggered by cakephp in case of success crud operation...
		  'prefix' => '*',
		  'plugin' => '*',
		  'controller' => '*',
		  'action' => '*',
		  'extension' => '*'

Configure Nginx too:

map $http_accept $hello_com_response_header {
	default   "text/html; charset=UTF-8";
	"~*json"  "application/json; charset=UTF-8";
server {
	listen 443;

	ssl on;

	# redis key
	set $redis_key  "$request_uri";
	if ($args) {
		set $redis_key  "$request_uri?$args";

	location / {
		error_page 404 405 502 504 = @fallback;
		more_set_headers "Content-Type: $hello_com_response_header";

	#default cake handling
	location @fallback {
		try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args;

	location ~ \.php$ {
		try_files $uri =404;
		include /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params;
		fastcgi_intercept_errors on;
		fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php/php7.1-fpm.sock;
		fastcgi_index   index.php;
		fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;


Redis caching

This plugin provides a very little bit different redis engine based on cakephp's RedisEngine. differences are:

  • Engine config comes with a bool 'serialize' option ( default is true )
  • Read and wirte fct use config 'serialize' option
  • Keys are stored/read/deleted in order to uses : and :* redis skills!

Configure the engine in app.php like follow:

'Cache' => [
    'redis' => [
      'className' => 'Trois/Utils.Redis',
      'prefix' => '',
      'duration' => '+24 hours',
      'serialize' => true