Blazingly fast highlighting for unique characters on a line, helping you using f, F, t, T super easily
Requires neovim 0.5.0+
- packer.nvim
use {
-- Your configuration function
config = function() require'femboyf'.setup{} end
require('femboyf').setup {
-- These are all optional
-- change the defaults here:
-- When to highlight?
-- 'always' always in normal and visual mode (default)
-- 'onkeypress' only when f,F,t,T are pressed (not implemented yet)
when = 'always',
-- How to highlight?
-- '1perword': 1 character per word (default)
-- 'line': all possible characters in a line
style = '1perword',
-- What colors to use? #HEX / default vim colors
color1 = '#b0da6c',
color2 = '#648424',